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2011年2月28日 星期一

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is an epidemic condition affecting millions of patients worldwide. The medical industry is meeting this growing plague head on, but making very little progress when it comes to providing lasting relief for the majority of patients. Medical science turns its attention to developing mostly symptomatic treatment modalities when patients really need a cure for their pain. Objective study of the history of back pain, the typical diagnoses, the standard treatments and the statistical results paints a crystal clear picture of why most patients never truly recover from their debilitating symptoms.

Many health conditions can be traced back hundreds or even thousands of years in history. Back pain is rarely mentioned in historical medical texts and almost never spoken of as a serious or chronic concern. It is surprising to know that modern man suffers from back pain in numbers too vast to calculate. Back pain complaints are the second most common reason for a patient to seek out medical advice from their doctor. Back pain is the number one cause for a worker to miss a day of work. Chronic back pain might not be a historical medical disorder, but its time has come and it is spreading like a contagious disease. Modern back pain conditions are known by patients and doctors alike to be treatment resistant and enduring problems which defy even the most aggressive treatment.

Lower back pain is the most common severe and life altering spinal condition. Patients who suffer from lumbar pain, regardless of diagnosed causation, have a difficult time functioning in almost any aspect of life. Low back pain interferes with work, prevents the pursuit of pleasure, limits physical activity, creates severe psycho-emotional stress and can actually cause patients to live a life of total disability. This is certainly a hard sentence to bear, especially when the diagnosed cause of pain is rarely the real reason for symptoms!

Lower back pain is a term which encompasses a plethora of spinal conditions medically theorized to be symptomatic in most patients. Herniated lumbar discs, spinal stenosis, neurological impingement, sciatica, muscle imbalance, sacroiliac joint dysfunction and piriformis syndrome are some of the most common diagnoses made upon patients complaining of lower back pain. Although the diversity of these diagnoses is rich indeed, the subsequent therapy options are strikingly similar and not coincidently, generally ineffective.

It is common knowledge in the medical professions that most diagnosed spinal abnormalities are rarely symptomatic and exist in a great number of people who experience no pain whatsoever. Why then are these same spinal conditions blamed for pain in patients who are symptomatic, even when the anatomical clinical impression of the condition does not match the symptoms experienced? The answer to this question is simple and somewhat sinister. Even doctors sometimes require a scapegoat. After all, informing one patient that you can not discover the actual cause of their pain is barely acceptable, but telling millions of miserable souls this news would certainly banish all faith in the medical community. Therefore, the burden of blame is placed on these coincidental and innocent spinal conditions which are not normally the cause of any serious or chronic pain.

Treatment for lower back pain is often a mixed bag of traditional, alternative and complementary therapies. The traditional medical approach focuses on a progressively more drastic and invasive series of treatments which usually starts with physical therapy and drugs, advances to epidural injections and more drugs and ends with surgery and even more drugs, as a last ditch effort to cure the unresolved pain. Alternative and complementary therapies are likely to include massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, Reiki, Alexander Technique, electrotherapy, spinal decompression, dietary alteration and postural correction. Outside of spinal decompression and surgery, the rest of these treatments are symptomatic in nature, meaning they attack the pain, but do nothing to cure the underlying causative condition. Why are these treatments the accepted methods for treating back pain? Once again, the answer is painfully obvious.

Lower back pain is a conundrum to most doctors. They do not know why it is so virulent. They need to do something to help patients so they continue to use processes that offer some relief, some of the time. The best part is that most doctors do not even know why many of these treatments sometimes actually work! Back pain specialists realize that ischemia of the muscle and nerve tissues is the most common cause for all varieties of painful backs. Many accepted treatment modalities increase cellular oxygenation, providing short term symptomatic relief from the pain. This is the reason why some treatments provide symptomatic amelioration even when the reasons for that relief defy logic. This is also the reason why most treatments have little or no effect and even surgical correction often worsens the condition rather than curing it.

Lower back pain will only respond to appropriate treatment. Therapies directed at an incorrectly identified cause will not cure the pain. Blaming innocent and completely normal spinal conditions for long term symptoms is nonsensical and leads to the abysmal treatment results we see when studying the experiences of most patients with chronic pain. Only by accepting the logical explanation for low back pain will a patient find lasting relief. Ischemia is an insidious process which works behind the scenes, leaving little or no evidence of its presence. The most common cause of ischemic back pain is the psychosomatic interaction between the body and the subconscious mind. We have all heard the expression which states that we carry our troubles on our backs. Well in this case, the great philosophers of old were being quite literal. Now the idea of why modern medicine has been powerless to stop low back pain from ruining lives makes much more sense. After all, the medical industry basically denies the psychosomatic process when it comes to the cause of back pain. This is especially hypocritical, since the psychosomatic process is the accepted cause of other, less profitable conditions throughout the healthcare spectrum...

Is it all about money? Is it all about pride? Does the medical industry simply want to propagate accepted myths instead of mark progress against a known destroyer of lives? When it comes to lower back pain, I will leave it up to you to decide...

Adam Rostocki suffered with severe and debilitating misdiagnosed back pain for 18 years. Mr. Rostocki is the author of ?Cure Back Pain Forever? (ISBN 1-59971-997-5) as well as the interactive website, Detailed information on lumbar spinal conditions can be found at the Lower Back Pain Information Hub.

2011年2月27日 星期日

To mitigate the impact of innovative therapies for easing back pain

Most of us know someone who suffers from back pain, which, as the case may be. Approximately 80% of the us as a matter of fact, the afflicted with back pain at some point in our lives. It interferes with daily living and is responsible for 35% of the work for all days.

Why hurt: Spinal column consists of bones (vertebrae), which is separated from the round discs called spongy pads, which operate as shock absorbers cushion the body, when you move the cartilage. Muscles, tendons, nivelsiteisiin and helps to keep the bones of the alignment. If all these physical components are strained, swollen, or whether, for the pain.

You do not need to get hit by falling on the piano. Simple things, such as bending, lifting, and deformation and daily activities such as housework or yard, adequate pain. Sports-related injuries or the vehicle accidents (even at low speed) from lukkiutuvia to back up. Other causes of arthritis and osteoporosis are the degeneration and congenital such as Scoliosis. Other factors are obesity, smoking, stress, poor posture, the Scientific Committee on toxicity, poor health, diet and sleeping positions. And would you like to stay at the density of the age of the bone and muscle flexibility on the part of the invoice. Discs will gradually, dehydrated and less flexible in their ability to cushion the vertebrae of the additive.

Acupuncture, laser therapy and natural medicines are proven injektioiden and effective therapies for pain. Patients benefit from also traditional spine manipulation, chiropractor. There are, however, new and exciting therapies, which include the exceptional relief for back pain (as well as the neck, hip, knee and foot pain). The following innovative treatments can make a real difference.

The maximum sound level expressed in a-distraction: developed by Dr. James Cox, D.C., expressed as a disturbance in the table of moveable parts required treatment. You can lie down in the face of the cards, your feet are strapped, and in the middle of the table to distinguish carefully. Doctor stretches gently, careful spine box together with slow movements. At the bottom of the body is transferred to the down and up, and sometimes even on each side of the round. All of these movements are tested by a doctor to make sure that the experience of pain during the process. Patients say they feel "stretched out." Expressed as a distraction from the traditional spine manipulation, that there is a rapid movements or thrusting. Studies have indicated that the majority of the results of the treatments is an average of 12 to 29 days.

Kaufmann technology: this lightly hands-on therapy was perfected by Dr. Stephen Kaufmann, D.C. When in pain, or is the trigger points (sharp pain spots), responsible for the contraction of the muscles, the pain of the State (such as a Cramp). In logic using natural body elicits the muscles, a doctor who contracted staff are responsible for your own pain for relaxation. This reduces and eliminates the trigger points, and pain.

Prolotherapy: Advanced Prolotherapy treats chronic pain injection technique the joints and the muscles around the regions set out in the annex. Injektioiden medicinal products containing, which contributes to the injured area to increase the healing process. This procedure is to stabilise, strengthen and support the restoration of tissues, traumatized to PROPER function. Also known as regenerative injection therapy is an excellent choice when nothing else has worked.

Quick acting Pain Relief: If you need to use a drug in a manner consistent with, and/or physical therapies for pain matalasuhdanteen or if you have pain, which just persists, consideration should be given to innovative treatments, these seriously offered in our Centre, which will help you to solve the customer's pain. The Bonus is that they are relatively quickly, so you do not need to specify the month of therapy, the best treatment for you.

Dr. Denise De Monte is Vernon, De Monte, Centre for Natural Medicine naturopathic physician.

c Copyright. All rights reserved.

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2011年2月26日 星期六

Self-Massage more herbal oils for breast

Using infused herbal oils is an easy and pleasurable way to keep your breasts healthy, prevent and reverse cysts, dissolve troublesome lumps, and repair abnormal cells. Breast skin is thin and absorbent, and breast tissue contains a great deal of fat, which readily absorbs infused herbal oils. The healing and cancer-preventing actions of herbs easily migrate into olive oil creating a simple, effective product for maintaining breast health.

Add beeswax to any herbal oil and you have an ointment. The antiseptic, softening, moisturizing, and healing properties of beeswax intensify the healing actions of the herbs and carry them deeper into the breast tissues. Whether you want to maintain breast health - or have had a diagnosis of cancer - infused herbal oils and ointments are soothing, safe, and effective allies.


Wonderfully fragrant infused oils can be made from all kinds of evergreen needles. Evergreen oils are superb for regular breast self-massage, especially for those troubled with painful or lumpy breasts. Evergreens, including the renowned yew, contain compounds clinically proven to kill cancer cells.

The most powerful in this respect are arbor vitae (Thuja occidentalis) and cedar (Juniperus virginia). But all evergreens contain antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-tumor oils. I make my infused evergreen oil from white pine (Pinus strobus), the most common evergreen in my area; friends use spruce, cedar, and hemlock.

Infused evergreen oils are generally non-irritating (a few women report sensitivity to spruce needle oil), but essential oils of evergreens can cause a rash. Essential oil of the evergreen tea tree (Melaleuca species) has been poured into cancers that have ulcerated, causing some to go into remission. This is dangerous and may be painful; I strongly advise you to seek counsel before you use tea tree, or any essential oil, in this way.

OLIVE OIL (Olea europea)

The oil pressed from the fruits (olives) and seeds (pits) of these magnificent, long-lived trees is neither an infused oil nor an essential oil. It is my favorite oil for eating, cooking, and using as a base for infusing herbs. Virgin or extra virgin oils are great for eating, but have a rich smell which is overpowering in an infused oil or ointment.

As a base for infused oils, I use the less expensive (and less aromatic) pomace oil - made by pressing the ground pits after the olives have been squeezed dry. No matter what type you use, fancy or plain, olive oil will no doubt uphold its ancient and venerable reputation for healing and nourishing skin and scalp.

PLANTAIN LEAF OIL (Plantago lancelota, P. majus)

With its brilliant color and its solid reputation as a breast cancer preventive, plantain oil/ointment is another favorite for breast self massage. Frequent applications of the jewel-green oil - as many as ten times a day - have been used successfully by women to reverse in situ cancer cells in the breasts. Plantain oil is very easy to make at home. (The aroma of the finished oil reminds me of salami.) Plantain ointment is the first First Aid I reach for when I itch, when I get a sting, when I need to heal torn muscles, when I want to draw out thorns, splinters, or infection, and when I need to relieve pain and swelling.

POKE ROOT OIL (Phytolacca americana)

That strange-looking weed with the drooping black berries that towers over gardens and roadsides throughout much of eastern North America is pokeweed - an old favorite of wise women dealing with breast lumps and breast cancer. If I felt a suspicious lump, I'd reach for poke root oil. It reduces congestion, relieves swelling, and literally dissolves growths in the breasts.

Jethro Kloss, author of the classic herbal Back to Eden, used freshly grated raw poke root poultices to burn away breast cancer. Caution: Fresh poke placed directly on the skin is strong enough to damage healthy tissues as well as cancerous ones.

The infused oil is also effective and far safer. A generous amount is gently applied to the lump, covered with a flannel cloth and then with a hot water bottle (no heating pads), and left on for as long as you're comfortable. This is repeated at least twice a day. Poke root oil is too powerful for regular preventive care. Caution: Poke oil can cause a rash on sensitive skin. Ingestion of poke oil can cause severe intestinal distress.

Poke root tincture can be used instead of poke root oil. The properties are quite similar, though the oil is absorbed better and may be considerably more effective.

RED CLOVER BLOSSOM OIL (Trifolium pratense)

The infused oil of red clover blossoms is a remarkable skin softener. It melts away lumps, counters cancer, and helps the lymph system reabsorb unneeded cells. Combine it with internal use of red clover blossom infusion for an even better chance of eliminating abnormal cells and preventing breast cancer recurrence. It's gentle enough for regular use in breast self-massage.

ST. JOAN'S WORT BLOSSOM OIL (Hypericum perforatum)

The vermillion red oil of the flowers or flowering tops of St. Joan's (St. John's) wort is mild enough to be used regularly to promote breast health, yet powerful enough to seem positively miraculous as it repairs damage to the skin and nerves of the breasts. I consider it an indispensable ally for all women. In addition to using it for breast massage, I favor it for assistance in healing the armpit and breast area after surgery, reducing skin damage from radiation, and relieving nerve and muscle pain. Its antiviral powers pass through the skin and into nerve endings, preventing and checking a wide variety of skin problems, including virulent hospital-bred infections such as shingles.

I find St. Joan's wort oil an exceptionally useful ally for women dealing with nerve damage caused by removal of axillary lymph nodes. Frequent applications restore sensation, promote good lymphatic circulation, help prevent lymphedema, and offer prompt and long-lasting relief from pain.

Women who apply St. Joan's wort oil before and after radiation treatments report that their skin stays healthy and flexible even after dozens of treatments. In addition to preventing radiation burns, this oil prevents sunburn, too. It's the only sunscreen I use to protect my skin, which gets plenty of sun. And it's a superior healer of sunburn, as well.

St. Joan's wort oil is an invaluable ally for those with sciatica pain, leg and foot cramps, back pain, neck aches, arthritis pain, bursitis, or any other ache. I use it externally (along with 25 drops of the tincture internally) as often as every 10 to15 minutes when dealing with the acute phase of a cramped, spasmed muscle. For long-term pain, I use oil and tincture as frequently as needed, sometimes as often as ten times a day.

St. Joan's wort oil is also the best remedy I've found to relieve the pain and promote rapid healing of nerves and skin troubled by shingles, cold sores, mouth and anal fissures, genital herpes, and chicken pox. Hourly applications of oil, plus 25 drops of tincture taken internally at the same time, are not excessive in the initial, acute stages of these problems. As symptoms abate, I use fewer applications. In chronic conditions, I use the oil and tincture four times a day. Used as a scalp oil during chemotherapy, St. Joan's wort encourages rapid regrowth of healthy hair.

YARROW FLOWER OIL (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow flowers and leaves infused in oil make a sparkling green oil that promotes fluid flow in the breasts and inhibits bacterial growth. Women have noted that consistent use of yarrow oil seems to prevent the growth of new blood vessels that cancerous tumors need for growth. Yarrow is also a wonderful ally for relieving swollen, tender breasts and nipples. As it may irritate the skin slightly, I use yarrow only as needed.

Yarrow is a plant imbued with a reputation for psychic powers and energy healing. The aroma of the oil is said to give power to the heart and strength to the vulnerable. Sleep with yarrow, and you'll have a dream of the future.

YELLOW DOCK ROOT OIL (Rumex crispus, R. obtusifolia)

This dark yellow, orange, or burnt-sienna-colored oil is a classic remedy against all hard swellings, tumors, growths, and scabby eruptions. It softens tissues and helps the body reabsorb lumps. The ointment excels as an ally for those dealing with skin ulcers (bed sores), burns from radiation, or mouth sores from chemotherapy. Yellow dock has been known to resolve worrisome nipple discharges. Yellow dock oil does not recommend itself for regular use; I reserve it for occasional intense use.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material herein is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

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2011年2月25日 星期五

Low back pain may be genetic

SALT LAKE CITY, Feb 3, UPI)--the lumbar pain or lumbar disc disease, degeneration or spine, discs can be caused by inherited herniation, U.s. researchers suggest.

Study author Dr. Alpesh Patel, a., University of Utah medical school, Assistant Professor-orthopedic surgery, and colleagues to use the Utah population database health and public information repository of more than 2 million residents of Utah data from a series of data.

Researchers examined the lumbar disc disease, people with disabilities 1,264-lumbar disk herniation lumbar disc degeneration, or defined by the Ministry of health and family records.

"Previous studies, including twin siblings studies and subsequent genetic marker studies have suggested that the genetic predisposition to the development of the burden of the lumbar disc disease, but few patients," Patel says the statement. "The results of this study will provide evidence of the population of more than 2 million people, probably not part of the genetic basis of the development of this disease."

A study published in the Bone and joint surgery journal finds the disease patients were more likely to have a disc lumbar than other members of the family and the lumbar disc disease is a risk of disease, the disc was significantly elevated near, as well as far away from the relatives.

Two findings on the basis of genetic combinations strongly supports the burden of the lumbar disc disease, Patel says.

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Back Pain-Re-Thinking MRI-cost considerations

Let's say that you have a bad back. And say, and give you gold. What do you want to do? A really bothers you. You missed a week of work. Most days take more ibuprofen. Sometimes the pain goes down Your leg. MRI your doctor suggests. You can take that $ 3,000 to the hospital, get the MRI and learn how badly a deteriorated?

"My insurance should include that," you exclaim. But think for a moment. As far as you are interested, the test is free. Simply I gave gold. But it does not. Do you want to visit Hawaii. Or repayment of the car. Or take a vacation with children. You should not need to use Your $ 3,000 to pay for medical test! And there is the crux of the problem. In medicine everyone is spending the money of another person. The test would be worth to you if someone else is paying. But if you're part of the $ 3,000 in cold, hard cash, somehow the test appear not quite so necessary.

Theoretically, the insurance covers research that is "medical ly necessary." If your doctor says you need it, it must be necessary. Not necessarily so, can I say. What if the user does not consent, in any case, be subjected surgery back or epidural injections? As for the MRI?

Currently there are 100,000 + family physicians in the United States in accordance with the American Academy of Family Physicians. What if each of us ordered one less MRI this year? That would be equal to the $300,000,000 savings. Is relatively easy to see why the insured's of the patient consent to the test of necessity at the border. It is not their portfolios, which bear.

But Why doctors order tests that can not be absolutely necessary? The reasons are numerous. We doctors do not want to reference something-the company may be sued, or suffers after of the patient or the US accused makes insufficient care. We don't want to be responsible for the health care rationing rules or of the patient treating s explodes.

S patient is the best treatment-particularly, if someone else pays-Medicare insurance, Medicaid, VA. However, ultimately, is our money, our tax dollars. First tests of the expensive never will lower rates of insurance. Money, your employer pays towards Your insurance is really Your money-only you don't see it.

"But I want to know," some patient terminate the s, MRI on their back. But what if the test makes the difference in treatment or results? Are you sure you want to know sufficiently bad this $ 3,000 and pass it to the administrator of the hospital?

Americans asked to believe in testing rather than clinical judgment. You believe x-ray before the educated opinion of a doctor. Somehow is pocieszaj ± more view report of black and white. And the doctors are not immune. It says here, in this report, the doctor may say to strengthen his or her conclusion.

America, we have to change. Doctors and of the patient s must trust each other. MRI-back is only one example, where there are significant savings. If your doctor ordered MRI (or scan CT) ask how will be gained. Will affect the treatment? Whether your score will improve? Often the answer is no. And is it worth $ 3,000 to you? Quite often are less expensive options. Why can't I bring this article to the next date and see if your doctor agrees.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia j. Koelker, M.D.

read more about back pain, please visit: Practical tips from the affordable health care visits: []. Permission is allowed to publish this article copyright on the Web or in printed media, in whole or in part, the stipulation that Dr. Koelker correctly are included as the author and that the material be unchanged with respect to the content. Cynthia j. koelker MD is a family of more than 20 years, and holds degrees from MIT, case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the University of Akron. Is the author of "101 ways to save money on health care."

2011年2月24日 星期四

The right of health explained-Comic style? This is what promises this graphic novel

Healthcare law explained in comic strips? That's what this graphic novel promises - div.thumbnail { font-weight: normal !important;}div.article div.articlerail ul li.relatedTitle, div.storygallery div.storyGalleryRail ul li.relatedTitle { font-size: 12px !important;} Subscribe/Manage Account Place an Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals More Classifieds Custom Publishing ?  Booster Shots HOME Breaking Hoy Crime Apps Weather Traffic Obits Community Crosswords Comics Wine Club Local L.A. Now Politics Crime Education O.C. Westside Neighborhoods Environment Obituaries FindLocal U.S. Politics Now Top of the Ticket Science & Environment Obituaries Religion World Egypt Afghanistan & Pakistan Africa Asia Europe Iran Iraq Latin America Mexico Under Siege Business Money & Co. Technology Personal Finance Small Business Company Town Jobs Real Estate Cars Sports Lakers Clippers Dodgers Angels NFL Ducks/Kings USC UCLA Soccer High Schools Scores/Stats Entertainment Movies TV Music Celebrity Arts & Culture Company Town Calendar Envelope Books FindLocal Health Booster Shots Medicine Fitness & Nutrition Mental Health Healthcare Getting Better Heart Awareness Living Home Food Image Books Parenting FindLocal Brand X Magazine Your Scene Cars Travel Los Angeles California Mexico Hawaii Las Vegas Europe Asia Australia Travel & Deal Blog Opinion Editorials Op-Ed Letters Opinion L.A. Readers' Rep Shop Go: Travel Eat: Food Wear: Apparel Live: Everyday Needs Play: Electronics Save: Offers Find More Subscribe/Manage Account Place an Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals More Classifieds Custom Publishing Weekly Ad Health Topics: Nutrition Makeovers Teen Bullying Gabrielle Giffords Michelle Obama BOOSTER SHOTS: Oddities, musings and news from the health world

Healthcare law explained comic-book style? That's what this graphic novel promises Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist and presidential advisor who has contributed to a comic-book novel about the healthcare law. Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist and presidential advisor who has contributed to a comic-book novel about the healthcare law. (Charles Krupa / Associated Press)

Share By Mary Forgione, Tribune Health February 9, 2011, 10:36 a.m.

EmailE-mail printPrint increase text sizedecrease text sizeText Size If you don't understand the healthcare act President Obama signed into law last year, maybe a comic strip or two can help. MIT economist and presidential advisor Jonathan Gruber is helping create a graphic novel to better explain the law -- just as repeal efforts are taking hold in Congress.

Don't expect any superheroes or caped crusaders in this explanation. The book, due out in September, has the straightforward title "Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How it Works."

There already are government websites devoted to explaining the Affordable Care Act to Americans. Here's the White House's website, which offers facts at a glance and recent news about the law and the Department of Health & Human Services' primer at

And this Orlando Sentinel photo gallery looks at healthcare changes that could affect Americans this year, as shown in pictures.

Still confused? Maybe the comic book is the answer -- if you can wait until September. Copyright c 2011, Los Angeles Times

Email E-mail Print Print add to Digg Digg add to Twitter Twitter add to Facebook Facebook Read This Later Read This Later ? Comments (1)Add / View comments | Discussion FAQ Anne C at 11:56 AM February 09, 2011

Great way to reach out to the people. The health care reform seems like a maze of mysteries and I'm sure most people (me included) want to find out as much as they can about this highly-debated health care overhaul. The people have the right to know. And what better way to do it than through easy tocomprehend illustrations. Remember, the fate of the health care overhaul is still in progress and the 2012 elections play a vital role. Let the campaign start now.

Anne C

NY Health Insurer

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Alarm sounded on diagnosis of Dr Google

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AMA warns about frequent errors and dangers of self-diagnostics using the "blunt" the internet.

Doctors are warning of catastrophic consequences after new research revealed four out of five Australians are turning to the web for health information and almost half of those who are using Dr Google to make a diagnosis.

GPs leaders say people are showing the doctor fears of health problems when the real problem is minor, while others put off going to the your GPs because they believe that your problem is not serious.

An international survey conducted by Bupa health insurance also discovered that 80 percent of Australians who use the network to health issues, 70 percent of research also seek information about medicines.

Announcement: story continues belowDr Google is leading us up the garden path, GPs warn.

Dr Google leads us up the garden path, warn GPs.

The survey covered more than 12000 people worldwide, including 1000 Australians. Overall, 68 percent of respondents used on the net for information about medicine and 47 percent to make a diagnosis.

Dr Brian Morton, former President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) in NSW and Chairman of the Board of general practice, said today that he was seeing a man who had presented with symptoms of temporal arteritis-inflammation and damage to blood vessels that supply the head area.

The condition must be managed with urgency and can lead to "blindness catastrophic," said Morton.

However, the son of man be 70 years old had googled the symptoms-body aches and pain in the jaw when chewing-which led to suspect that they were actually the side effects of Lipitor, a popular drug for lowering cholesterol.

"He thought that all he needed to do was stop your medication in lowering cholesterol," says Morton.

In addition, the man also used a search engine search medicine Morton him prescribed for temporal arteritis and second-guessed treatment.

"Then there is potential for Dr Google and family members well-meaning cause a catastrophe," said Morton.

He said that he also regularly came with elders that were pulled in erectile dysfunction remedies objectionable internet. Another trend important medication online was people buying "natural remedies", with no guarantee that the product was effective or "the real McCoy".

"Food is marked as or is not as medication around regulation and secondly is labeled as natural and people tell if it's natural can help me, how to eat a piece of fruit or something," he said.

Dr Steve Hambleton, federal Vice-Chair of the AMA, said that the "information explosion" on the internet had generated many great sources of medical advice, but also large amounts of information.

"50 per cent, which is trying to self diagnose is really worrying, because that's the hardest part, which is where you need someone with very extensive experience that can look for all parameters at the same time and try to reach a view as to where to go," he said.

"That's why GPs are not allowed to practice independently until they had 10 years of training."

He gave as an example a headache is a symptom of a brain tumor. However, the vast majority of people with headaches don't have brain tumors.

"You will spend half query convince them that lacks something and then the other half trying to figure out what they have," said Hambleton.

BUPA's research has identified other examples. Pins and needles, depending on which site you look, could be a vitamin B12 deficiency, sciatica or multiple sclerosis. Stomach cramps can be indigestion, appendicitis or heart disease, while an earache could be the result of a common cold, an ear infection, or cerebral abscess.

"You can really be convinced that you have something that you really don't have," said Hambleton.

Hambleton said that people should only use the internet to research conditions a doctor told them that they have, rather than trying to unite a diagnosis based on a variety of symptoms.

He said that the University websites, medical journals, Government health sites and sites of organizations that specialize in specific diseases such as Diabetes Australia, were the most trusted online sources of medical information.

View the original article here

2011年2月23日 星期三

Back Pain products for my Back Pain

If you suffer lower back pain, you are not on your own. Probably nearly all adults at some point in their lives will experience this condition that interferes with their work eg there is a high incidence of lumbar pain in drivers, everyday activities, sports (eg lumbar pain in golfers) or hobbies. Lower back pain or sciatica is considered the most common cause of job-related disability and the highest contributor to absenteeism in the western world. For example, it is second to headaches as the most common neurological ailment in the United States. Generally, most occurrences of lower back pain or lumbar pain subside after a few days, although some instances may take much longer to resolve or very occasionally lead to more serious conditions. Short-term pain (Acute) generally lasts from a few days to a few weeks, and this condition tends to be mechanical in nature, the consequence of trauma to the lower back or a condition such as arthritis. Back pain from trauma may be caused by an injury sustained through sports activity, household jobs or working in the garden. Sometimes, sudden jarring from a minor fall, or other stress on the lower back bones and tissues could be the root cause of low lumbar pain or sciatica. Symptoms of lumbar pain may range from aching muscles to shooting or sharp stabbing pain, limited flexibility and/or range of motion, or an inability to stand straight. Sometimes, pain felt in one part of the body may stem from a disorder or injury incurred in other parts of the body. Very occasionally acute low back pain syndromes could become more serious if untreated. Definitions of what period or duration constitutes chronic back pain vary but pain that persists for over 12 weeks would generally be described as chronic.

Often the initial cause of the back problem is not known and this condition can sometimes be progressive The good news is that the vast majority of occurrences can be treated without surgery. Back pain treatments include analgesics, to reduce inflammation, to restoring proper mobility and strength to the back, by a variety of back pain products and therapies, to strategies for the avoidance of recurrence of the injury. Usually patients suffering lumbar pain recover fully and don't incur continuing loss of functionality. It's advisable to contact your GP if there is no improvement or reduction in the back pain and inflammation after 3 days There is a plethora of exercises, medication, or therapy products and gadgets available to sufferers, designed to provide either, relief, prevention or both. Although some of these back pain products (such as Magnatherapy or aromatherapy) would be described as 'alternative' or pseudoscientific ie they have few empirically or scientifically proven benefits, many are developed through the application of sound medical principle and theory. It's worthwhile asking your GP for recommendations on any therapies as well as making sure that the cause is not more serious

Back pain therapy devices PGAT devices

Inversion Tables

Inversion is a natural form of passive gravity assisted traction (PGAT) that uses the patient's body weight in conjunction with gravity to decompress weight-bearing joints. While the patient is rotated and suspended, gravity effectively creates a traction, resulting in a customized stretch that extends the spine, from the sacroiliac to the cervical joints of the neck, increasing the space between the vertebrae, which relieves the pressure on the discs and nerve roots. By reducing this pressure there is less interference with the spinal nerves thus reducing lower lumbar pain. Inversion is considered to be an effective therapy This is typically performed on what's called an inversion table. The table allows you to lie on your back relaxed, in an inverted position. This position eliminates some or all gravitational compression, depending upon how far back you position your body. Inversion therapy relieves back pain, and it works even better when it's part of a well-rounded therapy plan that addresses the specific muscle imbalances you have. But even by itself it is highly effective. A recent study done at Newcastle University found that over 70% of patients who performed inversion therapy were able to cancel their scheduled back surgeries.


LumbaCurve is a new effective lower back pain therapy product which may help to reduce disc compression, exercise and mobilise the muscles, joints and ligaments of the spine all at the same time. Painstakingly designed over 6 years in the UK and the Netherlands, this ingenious back pain therapy device combines both Western and Eastern therapy techniques. LumbaCurve incorporates specific shaping and design features which attempt to simulate a range of both occidental physiotherapy / chiropractic, and oriental acupressure techniques employed in mechanical lower back pain relief. LumbaCurve gently stretches the lower back, causing the vertebral discs to separate. This in turn relaxes the discs and frees up the spinal nerves, thus giving low back pain relief. LumbaCurve's design features also provide the benefits of shiatsu stimulation, yogic stretch, and acupressure massage from traditional oriental medicine. LumbaCurve is a is simplicity itself to use. Just lie on your back, slide it under your lumbar area, relax, and perform a few easy exercises.Manufactured in the UK, LumbaCurve comes with an instructional DVD of exercise routines.

CPM Mobilisers


Backlife is designed to apply a Continuous Passive Movement (CPM) to the lower back pain sufferer in a similar way to how a healthcare professional, as part of his back pain therapy, would apply in order to help relieve pressure between the vertebrae, and therefore relieve pain in the lumbar region. In order to apply CPM the user would lie on the floor bending their knees over the upper section of the machine. As the upper section moves, it gently rotates the pelvis in a circular fashion, allowing the joints to move, whilst the joints remain relaxed. The advertised benefits of Backlife for pain relief are that it reduces the stress and pressure on the lower back, restores back mobility and improves stability. In addition it reduces lumbar pain with regular use, improves posture, and reduces muscle tension.

Back in action Mobiliser

The Back in Action Mobiliser is an extremely powerful medical grade spinal joint mobilisation system, available for home or professional use for back pain relief. It's described as usually very effective at decreasing the symptoms of long term and chronic musculo-skeletal problems. The system applies very localised pressure to the muscles either side of the spine, simulating a practitioners 'thumbing technique,whilst mobilising the spine, flexing and extending the spine, freeing up stubborn vertebrae. In addition to this the mobilise provides a continuous passive motion (CPM) considered to be beneficial to health and aid healing The mobilise has been used to treat conditions such as: lumbago; prolapse /slipped disc, sciatica; scoliosis, arthritic hips, sacro-iliac dysfunction, whiplash injuries; fibromyalgia and many other disabling conditions. It is also comprehensively tested and endorsed by medics, so that it is probably the most commended back pain therapy care system available. Its most significant disadvantage is that it is made in small numbers and is expensive to buy however they are available to hire.


The Backstretcher, also known as the Rolastretcher provides relief with a combination of massage and stretching movements, allowing the user to move and stretch different parts of the spine by moving up and down the frame. The rollers also provide pressure (acupressure) on the back muscles either side of the spine where dysfunctional trigger points (knots) often occur. It provides back pain sufferers the opportunity to complement their therapeutic treatment with a device, which is portable, The effectiveness of this device has been confirmed by scientific study by the University of Iowa's Spine Centre.


Flexibak is back support cradle that is designed to ease lower back pain problems, reduce discomfort, and promote relief, by decompression of key joints, allowing natural movement to return to the user. Flexibak, developed by 2 leading British osteopaths, is designed to encourage the lumbar and sacroiliac joints to open up, and encourage the return of natural movement as pressure on inflamed muscles is relieved.

Back cushions and wedges and Supports Cushions

Back cushions

These are custom shaped soft cushions which are tailored to the natural shape of the user's lower back and designed to offer support whilst maintaining an ergonomical and comfortable posture whilst sat on a chair or in the car, thus providing an element of relief for low back pain. There's an interesting range of posturelite self inflating cushions on Back pain relief using cushions

Seat wedges

Seat wedges provide lumbar pain relief in a natural passive manner. Sitting on a seat wedge has the effect of moving forward the pelvis which has the effect of causing the users spine to adopt a more ergonically correct upright posture. Seat wedges maybe useful for lumbar pain suffering car drivers by angling their backs into more comfortable driving positions, or in sedentary workplace situations where the back pain sufferer may be adopting a siiting position for several hours, for example call centre workers. Ideal for everybody working in a sitting position, especially PC users. A variant of the seat wedge is the coccyx wedge which incorporates a cut away section to reduce or avoid pressure on the sacrum or coccyx which could be causing lower back pain or tail bone pain.

Back Braces These aim to constrict the affected area of low back pain low afflicted area, these strap-on body braces help reduce lower back pain and help to correct poor posture.

TENS units TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is the application of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes. In this case we are referring to portable stimulators used to help with back pain. The unit is usually connected to the skin using two or more electrodes or semi adhesive pads. Although the first units developed in the US for testing tolerance of chronic back pain sufferers to electrical stimulation in preparation for surgically invasive implants, many patients reported deriving relief from the TENS itself. A number of companies began manufacturing TENS units after the commercial success of the Meditronic device became known TENS is regarded as a non-invasive, safe nerve stimulation intended to reduce pain, both acute and chronic. Controversy does exist over its effectiveness in treating of chronic back pain. In 2007 a feature in the Pain Journal concluded that ENS was effective for chronic musculoskeletal pain whereas the journal Neurology advised against recommending TENS for chronic lower back pain,but other neurologists in the same journal suggested that in some patients TENS is useful. TENS units available from high street retailers Baxolve offers immediate relief for lower back pain through a combination of TENS therapy and lumbar support in one easy to use convenient belt.

Heat and cold back pain products There is little empirical evidence that the application of hot and cold compresses actually effectively relieve back pain conditions, although the use of hot and cold compresses may provide relief by helping to reduce the lower back pain, spasms, and inflammation, in turn allowing for improved mobility for some back pain sufferers. Immediately after the trauma, the sufferer would apply a cold compress (generally ice packs or refrigerant gel) to the affected area of the lower back pain, maybe after a strain, for up to about 20 minutes a few time a day, for a couple of days to help reduce tissue inflammation. After a couple of days the back pain sufferer would then apply heat to the affected area, using a variety of methods such as heat pads, heat lamps etc for short durations. This has the effect of dilating the blood vessels which increase blood flow to the affected tissues, and encouraging the healing process. It also has the effect of relaxing the muscles similar to having a warm bath after exertion. As with any back pain treatment it's advisable to consult your GP before commencing a treatment. See a range at Back Pain Products

Magnet therapy Magnet therapy can be described as an alternative or pseudoscientific method of back pain treatment, using magnetic fields on the body to promote back pain relief and healing, with a perceived, though not understood positive effect on blood oxygen content. There is no scientific basis to conclude that small, static magnets can relieve pain It has its origins in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) dating back some 2000 years, centered around 'Chi'or 'energy flows' around the body and instrumental in health and wellbeing, with magnetic wave therapy having associations with acupuncture or and acupressure. Although it is regarded with an element of scepticism due to seemingly physical and biological implausibility, in Eastern countries, therapeutic magnets are licensed as medical devices, and it does appear to be gaining some recognition within the US medical community, with an example of affirmative research of published in the MDBR Journal of Rheumatology. The downside to this is the difficulty associated with establishing true blind testing of magnets and associated 'placebo or Hawthorne' effects within test groups. By all means have a look at what's available but remain sceptical


Ultrasound is often used as a method of pain relief by physios and therapists in combination with other pain treatments, such as manipulation, massage, ice treatment and interferential (electrotherapy). The ultrasound device causes millions of sound waves to penetrate deep into tissue in order to promote healing of inflamed or damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments. It's claimed that ultrasound can reduce tissue inflammation by stimulating blood flow, promote healing by stimulating soft tissue, and assist in the absorbtion uf analgesics, and reduce pain. Again there is conflict over the effectiveness for lower back pain treatment with both positive user testimonials offset by inconclusive meta analysis. See Physical Therapy article Jul 2001 and New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy Jul 2008

Ultralieve Ultralieve Pro is a mains operated or portable hand held medical grade device designed for home use to help with pain and promote healing by conducting ultrasound waves into the damaged tissue. Although the device is easy its perhaps best if the user has received ultrasound treatment previously from a physio or heathcare professional, and again it's advisable to check with your GP or physio before using one to derive pain relief It should not be used as a replacement for conventional help with back pain but inconjunction with it in between sessions. Again there is conflict over the effectiveness to help with back pain with both positive user testimonials offset by inconclusive meta analysis.

David Pegg, from Manchester England, is a director with Lumbacurve International.
For more detail on the LumbaCurve lower back pain therapy device see

Psychosomatyczna Back Pain

There is a growing epidemic of back pain health plaguing the care system around the world. Common back pain is the number one reason for an employee to miss work and the second most common reason for a doctor visit. Lower back pain, in particular, has created an army or partially and fully disabled individuals that have been swept under the rug's medicine for far too long. Medical science has certainly excelled in diagnosis the the of an abundant variety of spinal abnormalities, injuries and degenerative conditions. However, when it comes to providing treatment patient the, symptomatic relief is the rule and a true cure is almost unheard of. The primary reason why doctors and complementary therapists have such poor treatment results when it comes to back pain relief is the vehement denial of the existence of psychosomatic pain.

The mind and the body constantly interact. Medicine acknowledges some of these interactions while ignoring others. We all know that blushing and sweating occur when we are embarrassed. The heart will race and the blood pressure will rise when we are frightened. Having stress full House a day can bring on a common headache or gastrointestinal general stress di. Not to mention, the entire sexual process is a series of physical reactions brought it entirely due to psychological causation. Medical professionals chose to ignore the URL that the mind can actually create pain in the body. This separation of the intellectual, emotional and physical goes against proven scientific evidence and is the reason why doctors can not stop back pain from ruining countless lives. It is truly a case of selective knowledge based upon how this information will affect established treatments health within the care industry.

Acknowledging the idea that the mind can produce physical symptoms completely goes against accepted doctrine that the body is a machine which can be fine medical cars to engineers. The mind and body interact when it is convenient for doctors to accept, but when it cuts into their economic bottom line, there is a problem. After all, back pain is big business and long term treatment regimens, which are so common patient for s is the endure, rack up sizeable profits. If back pain could suddenly be cured through medical non-profit, non pharmaceutical-and non-surgical means, what would become of this multi-billion dollar industry? It is for this reason that medical bridge and alternative health care providers continue to claim that back pain is almost always the result of some physical defect such as degenerated discs, herniated discs, arthritis, spinal facet joint degeneration, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, nerve compression sciatica, and the list goes on and on.

The reality of long term chronic back pain is that it is rarely caused by a physical injury or degenerative process. Sure, there may have been an injury at one time, but the chronic pain is perpetuated by the mind, not the body. The nearly universal occurrence of many of these spinal abnormalities in the population makes it difficult to take them seriously as the exclusive cause of painful symptoms. If we all have degeneration in our spines, how come only some of us develop pain? Medicine has blamed treatment-resistant back pain on these coincidental and mostly innocent back pain scapegoat conditions for too long. The diagnosis of If was accurate, why for all the treatments fail? Most patient s with long term pain do not recover, ever. Patient s we are left with growing pain fear, dread, anxiety, and an uncertain future after wasting vast quantities of time and money pursuing every possible approach to pain relief with limited or no success. It is high time for a paradigm shift in the way we view back pain and the entire mind/body process in general.

Luckily, there is a cure for this type of emotionally induced pain. It is medical, not alternative or complementary. There are no drugs surgery, or physical treatments required. Using the term made famous by Dr. John Sarno at the Rusk Institute of Rehab ilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center, the cure for psychosomatic back pain Therapy is Knowledge. This treatment involves the patient teaching why they are experiencing their pain and how to cure it themselves. The basis of the treatment comes from the field of modern psychology and therein lies the conflict with medical physical science. Patient s are taught to uncover and deal with repressed feelings, memories, and emotionally charged sensitive issues in their subconscious minds. It is these issues that create the need for physical symptoms in order to protect the individual's consciousness from feeling the full burden of repressed emotional pain locked away in the mind. In essence, Knowledge is the Therapy takes Neopets heal out of the hands of doctors and places it successfully into the needy and eternally grateful hands of patient 's suffering. If you are agonizing over unresolved treatment-resistant back pain, learn more about this revolutionary therapy that has changed the lives of millions, including this author.

Sensei Adam Rostocki suffered with severe and debilitating back pain misdiagnosed for 18 years. Sensei has devoted his life to helping akt who can not find relief for their chronic pain. Sensei Rostocki is the author of the Cure Back Pain Forever (ISBN 1-59971-997-5), as well as the interactive website,

2011年2月22日 星期二

New Diabetes device could cut risk of low blood sugar

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* A portable tool that provides diabetics with automated feedback — from average levels of sugar in the blood for the first signs of the effects of a treatment — can help some patients better manage the disease, suggests a new study.

Researchers from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, concluded that the biofeedback system could make it easier to walk the fine line between control blood sugar levels to minimize complications chronic condition and risk levels fall too low, a State called hypoglycemia.

Although such episodes can be quickly corrected by eating or drinking a sugar-rich foods, do not treat them can lead to confusion, seizures or even death, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases.

Lead researcher and inventor of the device, Boris Kovatchev, "we are undergoing a transition from monitoring only a patient to give feedback from person to improve symptoms of diabetes," told Reuters Health.

However, another expert is not yet convinced that the device – that is not yet available for sale nor approved by the FDA — benefit diabetics more than tools already on the market.

It's easy to reduce average blood sugar levels simply using more insulin, but that's "almost inevitably accompanied by an increased risk of hypoglycemia," he added.

Read more of this story here.

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How to Eliminate Your Back Pain

The only physician-written, evidence-based guide to recovering from chronic low back pain with a whole new concept. Complete with pictures and step-by-step instructions. Additional graphics available on request.

Check it out!

2011年2月21日 星期一

Therapy, sciatica

sciatica therapy and treatment line constitutes the bulk of work in industry health care. Pain sciatica is really the primary case of vertebral column and is widely recognized in any branch of the complexity of the many symptoms of it.

The fact sciatica arouses a wide range of therapy of different alternatives, the weather is traditional or alternative treatment.

Chiropractors and clinical pain physicians also specialize in the sciatic nerve pain treatment are not deficiencies. Unfortunately, most of the pain relief Add alternative ress just symptoms, rather than the cause of healing.

Add therapy ressing sciatica symptoms

sciatica Sciatic nerve pain therapy & discussion of pain is more times only to deal with the symptoms rather than treating the Fund, amental case sciatica same. This is often done in this manner until some quick relief for the individual experiencing severe pain.

sciatica is really a condition instead of a disease in and of itself. And naturally the circumstances bearing symptoms. In this example, a severe pain. This is what reaches the therapy sciatica & why is it such a thought-provoking work, when it comes to finding real relief from pain.

sciatica surgery

From time to time, surgical treatment sciatica is necessary, despite our best attempts to find a choice for the treatment sciatica naturally.

Radical response, for example, surgical operation is often inappropriate to the sciatic nerve. Vertebral column surgery generally is not recommended, but is after if sciatica therapy handed & trouble is dangerous, the current problems.

Much lower syndromes standing back pain, including sciatica often have even not so diseases caused physical. Most charges pain lasting process of the psychosomatyczna event is the credibility and effectiveness of physical condition, reaching a scapegoat.

For this reason sciatica surgery not always favourable choice for sciatic nerve pain relief after therapy sciatica goes bad.

The origin of worked up and psychological symptoms cannot be healed with drugs. This could also explain how the surgical clinic sciatica is risky long-term problems with regard to the Charge on the sciatic nerve after surgery pain. There patient is doing anything inappropriate or intentionally deceptive, but is not yet fully interpreted exactly as the human mind grows when the pain signal is sent. It is to imagine that only he flashed in the brain, the false signal pain. In this way, the parallel even draw is called "phantom Pain."

Exemption sciatica

Discover the appropriate therapy sciatica it dramatically between individuals. Encouraging ought to be given in looking for what might work for an individual personally, then referring medical certified. This piece reviews must be all require getting therapy special sciatica that works for you.

Scott and Green is committed to alternative sciatica treatment treatment through the website for

Managing Chronic Back Pain-when should I consider chronic Back Pain Management?

If you suffer from any of the lower of back pain or sciatica, are ready for certain types of aid. If the condition is chronic, you should consider a chronic back pain management to help you live with the pain. Without the management Chronic Pain help might find that other skills do normal daily activities are seriously at risk, possibly leading to dead depression,, and which could lead to psychological problems. After worsen the mental problems, will also be a deterioration of the pain and the only solution in such circumstances will try the program for management, chronic , back pain can help to reduce suffering and possibly even eliminate pain.

Each program management Chronic Pain is to relieve pain and improve the quality of your life. The main objectives of the programme are to assess, understand and treat the condition for the pain. Management programs Pain chronic can be extremely complex and frustrating experience for patient both, as well as their health health care provider. There are two ways that the management of chronic back pain can provide relief--invasive measures and non-invasive measures, both of which work to grant exemption from Pain chronic. Regardless of which method to get relief from chronic back pain requires a lot of time.

Chronic back pain management may be obtained from drugs (over the counter or prescription), exercise and products developed specifically for helping people deal with and live with back pain. May in treatment programs for the management of pain, the effectiveness of drug levels in the body require higher doses of the drug to achieve the same subject matter, the experience of tolerance. It may happen Add iction, the drugs used to manage pain. This is one of the reasons which should be in the program managed by professionals. Pain chronic management include not only prescription medicines surgery and but also alternative treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic care and diet and exercise. You can also manage pain spinal adjustments, which gradually relieve the pressure between the bones, cartilage and nerves.

Management of pain may have physical and emotional benefits. Studies for people undergoing pain is very clear; People who learn to effectively manage their pain are those who become actively involved in their own treatment.

I assert with backache, with more than 25 years, so I understand how pain you can work on this view of the entry into force of the Protocol. For additional information about the chronic back pain and how chronic back pain management software can help you, please check out my page on

2011年2月20日 星期日

New century spine centers in San Diego launches new management technology pain spinal decompression for back pain

New century spine centers in San Diego offers revolutionary back and neck pain treatment with spinal decompression and Advanced Chiropractic Care rehab program.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) January 13, 2011

An innovative new treatment performed by chiropractors in San Diego on spine centers of the new century is helping many victims of back pain. Spinal Decompression therapy along with a programme for relief of arthritis also known as ARP is helping patients avoid surgery for back pain and neck in San Diego, CA. at a fraction of the cost of spinal surgery, spinal decompression treatment is very safe, very effective, FDA Clears and best of all, non-operative. Many patients describe treatment as very safe and comfortable and rehabilitation as very useful for eliminating your back and neck pain forever.

Many baby boomers these days are feeling older, harder, slower and more pain. People are suffering with rigid joints, back pain, knee ready to give and more. These same people in San Diego are finding a way to win the battle of aging and back pain with a proven management technology backache. Until now, many people with back pain that your only option for treatment was drugs and surgery. That's not the case, as new treatment options for back pain are successfully correct back problems.

New century spine centers in San Diego is a conservative chiropractic spinal therapy practice and dedicated to pain relief, disk hernias, sciatica, spinal stenosis, disc bulges, plucked nerves and muscle spasms. Information on the treatment of spine centers of new century can be found at Back pain patients who come see the chiropractors and staff know they won't have long treatment plans, or be invited to come to always if it is not necessary. They focus on getting patients from pain and better functioning as quickly as possible. Spinal Decompression therapy, DRX 9000 is helping people live without pain and enjoy life. Since that offers treatment for herniated and bulging discs with chiropractors, spinal decompression, DRX9000 advanced ABS, Triton and methods of treating laser cold, have heard more and more things like "I can't believe I was actually thinking about surgery because my doctor told me it was my only option. Thanks to her I'm finally treatment without pain. If it wasn't for the news special that had about the treatment that I would never have known about the treatment and probably still would suffer today. "

Spinal Decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment, non-invasive for certain types of chronic back and neck pain that works, slowly and gently stretching of the spine, taking the pressure off compressed disk and vertebrae. People with significant low back and neck pain, sciatica, lower and upper extremity pain, numbness and tingling are being helped by this procedure, often when medicines, injections or failed back surgery. Spinal decompression program in spine centers of the new century has been successful in treating some of the following conditions:
Spinal stenosis, herniated discs, Bulging/stepped disk degenerative disease of nerves sciatica and Low back pain radiating leg and neck pain

Damage or deterioration of discs of the spine due to wear old or by physical stress of car accidents resulting in severe back pain, because it is exerting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Symptoms may include numbness or sharp pains, or near the location of the damaged disk or even down through the legs or arms. Other symptoms of back problems may include weakness, muscle spasms, balance problems and poor posture.

The advantages of advanced spinal decompression, cold laser and programs of relief from arthritis of the spine in spine centers of new century include:
Return to normal activities as soon as almost 100% of patients said they would recommend new century nonsurgical installations and drug free procedures for safe and painless and long-term permanent results Advanced alternative to spinal surgery

Doctors of Chiropractic in spine centers of the new century at Mission Valley are some of the most experienced chiropractic management of back pain. One of chiropractors passed Dr. Michael Pritsker, DC has been featured extensively in the media for his revolutionary treatment procedures. Dr. Mike Pritsker shared their advanced management procedures back pain in the spine of the new century. Dr. Carissa Hang, DC uses some of the latest pain management procedures of the neck. Victims of pain back from San Diego and through globe travel thousands of miles just for pain relief in the new century of experience back pain relief program. Chiropractors in new century set up a site where victims of back pain can receive a free video and report. Information can be obtained online at or by calling the toll free 24-hour recorded line low information back at 1-888-611-2042.


Dirk K
New century spine centers
619 630 9153
E-mail information

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