Let's say that you have a bad back. And say, and give you gold. What do you want to do? A really bothers you. You missed a week of work. Most days take more ibuprofen. Sometimes the pain goes down Your leg. MRI your doctor suggests. You can take that $ 3,000 to the hospital, get the MRI and learn how badly a deteriorated?
"My insurance should include that," you exclaim. But think for a moment. As far as you are interested, the test is free. Simply I gave gold. But it does not. Do you want to visit Hawaii. Or repayment of the car. Or take a vacation with children. You should not need to use Your $ 3,000 to pay for medical test! And there is the crux of the problem. In medicine everyone is spending the money of another person. The test would be worth to you if someone else is paying. But if you're part of the $ 3,000 in cold, hard cash, somehow the test appear not quite so necessary.
Theoretically, the insurance covers research that is "medical ly necessary." If your doctor says you need it, it must be necessary. Not necessarily so, can I say. What if the user does not consent, in any case, be subjected surgery back or epidural injections? As for the MRI?
Currently there are 100,000 + family physicians in the United States in accordance with the American Academy of Family Physicians. What if each of us ordered one less MRI this year? That would be equal to the $300,000,000 savings. Is relatively easy to see why the insured's of the patient consent to the test of necessity at the border. It is not their portfolios, which bear.
But Why doctors order tests that can not be absolutely necessary? The reasons are numerous. We doctors do not want to reference something-the company may be sued, or suffers after of the patient or the US accused makes insufficient care. We don't want to be responsible for the health care rationing rules or of the patient treating s explodes.
S patient is the best treatment-particularly, if someone else pays-Medicare insurance, Medicaid, VA. However, ultimately, is our money, our tax dollars. First tests of the expensive never will lower rates of insurance. Money, your employer pays towards Your insurance is really Your money-only you don't see it.
"But I want to know," some patient terminate the s, MRI on their back. But what if the test makes the difference in treatment or results? Are you sure you want to know sufficiently bad this $ 3,000 and pass it to the administrator of the hospital?
Americans asked to believe in testing rather than clinical judgment. You believe x-ray before the educated opinion of a doctor. Somehow is pocieszaj ± more view report of black and white. And the doctors are not immune. It says here, in this report, the doctor may say to strengthen his or her conclusion.
America, we have to change. Doctors and of the patient s must trust each other. MRI-back is only one example, where there are significant savings. If your doctor ordered MRI (or scan CT) ask how will be gained. Will affect the treatment? Whether your score will improve? Often the answer is no. And is it worth $ 3,000 to you? Quite often are less expensive options. Why can't I bring this article to the next date and see if your doctor agrees.
Copyright 2010 Cynthia j. Koelker, M.D.
read more about back pain, please visit: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert_bio=Cynthia_Koelker. Practical tips from the affordable health care visits: [http://101waystosavemoneyonhealthcare.blogspot.com/]. Permission is allowed to publish this article copyright on the Web or in printed media, in whole or in part, the stipulation that Dr. Koelker correctly are included as the author and that the material be unchanged with respect to the content. Cynthia j. koelker MD is a family of more than 20 years, and holds degrees from MIT, case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the University of Akron. Is the author of "101 ways to save money on health care."