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2011年1月17日 星期一

Study says physical therapy as a front-line treatment for low back pain

One of the simplest methods to treat lower back pain may be the best method. A review article published in February 2009 in the journal of the American Academy of surgeons orthopedic States that physical therapy should be the first treatment for low back pain. This review of previously reviewed published journals articles recommended in most cases, the most effective treatment is physical therapy combined with anti-inflammatory medications.

This study looked at people with symptomatic lower back pain from degenerative lumbar disc disease, a common cause of back pain. Symptomatic degenerative lumbar disc disease develops when a disk is weakened (often due to repetitive strain), is injured or deteriorate aging. As a result, the drive is unable to hold the vertebrae as they should and the lack of stability can cause back pain.

Different treatment methods were detailed including surgery, medication and physical therapy using anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal (NSAIDs), such as over the counter drugs aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. The study says that physical therapy with NSAIDs is the cornerstone of the non-surgical treatment and that 90% of s of the patient with low back pain symptoms resolve without surgery. Except in case of emergency, the initial treatment should be non-invasive.

Millions of people suffer from lower back pain each year and it is the # 1 reason people lose work in the United States. 75% To 85% of adults will be affected by this condition at some point during their lives, and the cost of this care is estimated to an amazing 90 billion dollars a year. This includes money spent on diagnoses such as rays x and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and treatment, including drugs and surgery.

Pain relievers are a very common treatment of first for low back pain, but this only masks symptoms rather than Add ress cause pain. This course of treatment is not free of risk or 100% sure that many people can turn in dependent on pain relievers. More than 100,000 people a year are hospitalized in common over the counter analgesics with more than 16,000 deaths. In 2003, complications arising from the use of NSAIDs were the 13 most common cause of death in the United States. This rate is higher than found cervical cancer, asthma, malignant melanoma.

Another common treatment for back pain, spinal, surgery is not always the solution quickly that we hope would be and do not necessarily Add ress movement causing or contributing to their back pain problem. This is not a risk-free treatment. There are thousands of people die each year from complications of spinal surgery and up to 50% s of patient's spine surgery has partial or no relief from their symptoms.

There is a more secure option Physical therapy.

Orthopedic Manual physical therapy is any "hands" treatment provided by a physical therapist. Treatment may include moving joints in specific directions and at different speeds to regain movement (joint mobilization and manipulation), stretching movements and passive muscle affected body part, or have the patient move the part of the body against the resistance of the therapist to improve synchronization and activation of muscle. Selected soft tissue specific can also be used techniques to improve mobility and function of muscles and tissues. Manual physical therapy is a safe, profitable and proven treatment for low back pain. In specific subgroups of 95% of patient s achieve dramatic relief with manual physiotherapy that is 1/10 the cost of a fusion of the spine. What escogerias you?

A physical therapy evaluation must consist of a full story, postural assessment, range of motion, direct action and physical evaluation. Treatment should include therapy practice, including exercises of joint and soft tissue mobilization, body mechanics and core stabilization. Physical therapists are the leading provider of treatment for disfunctions work-related musculoskeletal pain and movement, especially under back pain.

Current estimates suggest that 90-97 percent of all back lower leg pain is caused by the dysfunction of the joints of the spine or the muscles. Surgery should be the last option, once you have explored all other treatments non-invasive. There are many alternatives to surgery of the spine and physical therapy is an effective and proven treatment for lower back pain. Physical therapists are also easily accessible and it is yours immediately low back pain and many other orthopedic conditions. Here are some very effective exercises to help move your back and participate in your kernel, you can do if you have low back pain in a secure manner.

In North Carolina, you have the right to choose who will look for physical therapy and physical therapist can be seen without having to see your doctor. This is called direct access and allows you to seek treatment for his condition today, get better faster, spend less money, feel great and return to the activities to enjoy. You can search for a physical therapist manual online or when you call the practice of physical therapy of their choice, ask if they provide manual physical therapy as the main treatment for low back pain.

Aaron LeBauer PT, DPT, LMBT is a doctor of physical therapy and a massage and bodywork therapist license. He possesses LeBauer physical therapy with his wife Andra in Greensboro, North Carolina and specializes in the treatment of people who want to return to a healthy and pain-free life style. Visit

