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2011年1月4日 星期二

Psychological evaluations for back - pain "what doctor Think I'm Crazy?"

When patients want relief from chronic back pain, often considered surgery can better and more effective treatment. When the medical order psychological assessments before the backbone of the company, or of surgically implant devices such as the pain pump surgery or spinal cord Stimulator, patients often receive concerned. "What my doctor did not believe me?" they wonder. "What my doctor thinks I'm crazy?"

Actually, if your doctor has sent to a psychological evaluation pre-surgical, is a good sign that they are receiving excellent care!

Research shows that too often, surgical treatments not reduce back pain related to bulky disks or rupture, spinal stenosis, or many other problems on the back. In fact, research shows that surgery can even cause complications, and the patient may have a headache than before. Neither you nor your doctor wants. Psychological assessment of the risk factors before for any surgical treatment for back pain reduces this risk and it is becoming the standard of care for best medical practice.

Medicare and many other insurance companies now require pre-surgical psychological assessment before surgery of back pain, or surgery to implant devices such as stimulators of spinal cord or pain pumps. When referring to the evaluation of psychological risk factors, the doctor is to ensure that they are receiving the work-up full diagnosis required to make this important medical decision to have the best possible treatment.

Health psychologist will use evidence psychological, interviews and questionnaires to inquire about their thoughts and feelings, their stress and ways than front and the experiences we had. This is because stress and emotions are not only "feelings" that our minds. Stress and emotions have direct biochemical effects in your brain and your body.

Stress and emotions are experiences of "mind body brain", and can actually change how your body works. Affect your system from pain and other processes of the central nervous system. Research shows that back surgery is not very effective to reduce pain when excessive stress, depression or anxiety have led to changes in the central nervous system.

Pre-surgical psychological assessments can improve their chances of success with overcoming back pain. Surgery is not the only way to help you deal with back pain. If risk factors show that you won't receive better with surgery and, then, your doctor can help you to get another treatment that will give you good results you want.

Therefore - no worry! If you have been referred to a psychological evaluation pre-surgical, can be sure that your doctor wants you to have the best possible care for their pain problems.

Dr. Deborah Kukal is a psychologist with a license that has been teaching hospital health behaviors for more than 15 years. She has recruited patients virtually every walk of life in the successful and rewarding practice health concentrated meditation.

Dr. Kukal CD Christian meditation help to reduce pain, take care of your physical health, and enrich your emotional life, as well as deepen his intimacy with the Lord.

For more information about meditation and try a guided Christian meditation free, visit Dr. Kukal on its website,

