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2011年1月21日 星期五

Low back pain - Yin and Yang cures natural for back pain

Can knowledge of Yin and Yang cure my pain and lead to welfare? It is really sad that despite all progress called on Western medicines still we have not increased well-being. For example, 60% of all back surgeries not. I am sure that knows someone who has had back surgery and still has pain. Worse still is the person who has had multiple surgeries without back pain relief. Another example is the chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, only the Poisons pumping chemicals in your body reaches the chances of survival by 2%! Unfortunately, in spite of all advances in technology, all the research and the expenses, so are getting fatter, weaker and more sick! Maybe it's time to take a serious look at traditional natural healing or methods of welfare as the study of Yin and Yang.

Modern medicine is the study of disease. You have a cold or a pain in the neck and you are going to the doctor. He or she takes her temperature or perhaps a throat swab or ordered a x-rayos / MRI to look at the neck and then prescription medication to solve your problem. Natural and traditional medicine examines the causes of disease underscore. If you have frequent colds, rather than simply prescribe a medication or take two aspirin, the traditional method is ask questions about your lifestyle. Basic traditional theory of how sick people is because they are out of balance with Yin and Yang.

What is the Yin and Yang? In the simplest terms Yin is the passive force energy and Yang is active energy. Sleep is Yin. Walking, execution and swimming, they would be examples of Yang. Health and body has a balance between the two energies. There is always an imbalance exists disease. For example: we know that exercise is important but make it too can cause injury. A warrior of weekend what happens from Monday to Friday, sitting in his car ride, sitting at his desk 8-9 hours a day and flopped in a reclining watch TV is out of balance too much Yin. Then, when he plays a couple of rounds of golf or passes on Saturday doing gardening work he suffers a back or removed muscle. To restore the balance that needs exercise week (Yang) and a little rest (Yin) on weekends.

This principle of Yin and Yang is applied to all things. Eating plenty of food grease heavy and takes few fruits and vegetables to indigestion, weight gain, high cholesterol and less heart disease. Knowledge of the principle of Yin and Yang can help heal back pain. Instead of relying on pain, pills or surgery, an exercise program well planned can bring many benefits over a copy of safety and health.

The key to these priests are taking action. It really is up to you to develop a leading lifestyle to welfare. Many in the West want to give them a magic pill. Whether to lose weight, cure cancer or to lose the back pain, just give me a pill or shot or surgery and I will be well. The person is "cured" and then returns to the same old bad habits that are guaranteed to cause disease.

Until we break this cycle and realizing the secret of health and well-being that is within our reach so we in the West are now condemned to put our hope in modern medicine, surgery, the Government to treat all our pains and aches. The results doctors higher costs, the Government intervention increased while we get more fat and sicker. Knowledge, understanding and practice of traditional and natural methods and theories of such principles of Yin Yang and the practical application of modern medicine can result in a health ier, happier people. The choice is really up to us.

Coach Pete is an expert in back pain and pain Blues Director. Pete coach has suffered from back pain, therapy and surgery and has overcome the pain. He believes that it is possible to live free of pain and recovering back pain. There are alternatives to suffering and surgery. But it is up to you! Take the first step now and return to his life. Tons of great free information about How to cure your back pain should definitely check his blog.

