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Back pain is one of the most common ailments today. In fact, it is one of the number one reasons for visiting a doctor's office. Many people suffer from back pain of some type. Upper back pain is just one of the many types of back pain experiences. It can happen to just about anyone, and at any time. There are many reasons for pain in the back to appear. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to bring on the onset of pain. You can actually be doing basically nothing and rise to get up and find that you twisted wrong. Upper back pain can be just as annoying and painful as any other type of back pain. This article will talk about upper back pain, and some ways to get some possible relief.
There are a few different types of things that can cause upper back pain. One of the most common causes is known as muscle strain or spasm. You might have over exerted yourself and caused the muscles to tighten. When the muscles tighten, they usually become inflamed and the swelling that occurs can cause a lot of pain. A car accident can also cause a type of whip lash to occur which will cause the muscles to become inflamed. The muscles may not be damaged, but until the swelling and inflammation goes away, you will experience pain. Ice packs can be helpful some times or the change off of heat and cold can be beneficial as well. Upper back pain can be relieved by massage and relaxation techniques as well, and often it takes pain relievers and anti inflammatory to eliminate the swelling.
Upper back pain can also be caused by stress. It doesn't really matter what kind of stress you are going through, the fact remains that stress causes the muscles to tighten up, and this can cause upper back pain. Relaxation techniques might be very helpful in reducing upper back pain associated with stress.
There are some other reasons for upper back pain that are not as simple as a muscle strain. You may have a disc problem in your spine that is causing this upper back pain. You can experience a herniated or ruptured disc and not be aware of it. The only symptom you might have, is the pain associated with it. In most cases, upper back pain can be taken care of, and will usually go away. In the case of a ruptured disc, you might need surgery to correct the upper back problem, but you will definitely need to get medical attention when upper back pain continues.
If you need more Back Pain help then quickly head over to http://onlinebackpain.com where you will find helpful back pain tips, advice and resources including information on chronic back pain, lower back pain, and Upper Back Pain information.
Price: $39.99
Lower back pain is a working man's disease, unlike the popular adage that lower back pain constitutes aging. If you do suffer from back pain, do not worry because you are certainly not alone. The most common cause for back pain is using your back muscles in activities you are not used to, like lifting heavy furniture or doing yard work. Many things can cause lower back pain too, like muscle strain and muscle spasm after a heavy workout. Sprain of muscle ligaments attached from bone to bone from doing manual jobs that require heavy lifting can cause back pain and joint problems such as slipped disk from nasty falls or arthritis from, well, old age do contribute to back pain.
So with that said, take your mind off your lower back pain and your age for a moment, read this article and just slip these lower back pain exercises into your daily routine and after a week's toil you will notice the benefits. Lower back pain are mostly a cause for poor muscle tone, poor health condition, all of which are perfectly reversible. So, do these lower back pain exercises now and rid yourself of that lower back pain.
Hamstring Exercises for Lower Back Pain
It seems that a poor hamstring muscle condition is a factor for lower back pain. When hamstrings are too rigid and inelastic, they make your lower back muscles do the most work. Bending over, stretching your legs out front, running in leaps, all these activities involve the hamstring.
The lower back pain exercises involving the hamstring are running and short sprints. While producing sweat, you also work on your hamstring muscles (not to mention other muscle groups of your body). Therefore it is really a good idea to go out running once in a while. Benefits you can get while doing a good 15 minute run are many.
Stretching and bending exercises is also a good way to work out your hamstring muscles. For maximum effect, apply pressure on lengthening the hamstring such as bending forward or stretching your legs in front of you. The exercise should take at least 30 to 45 seconds and should be done in two sets for each day. During the regimen, avoid stretching or bending too fast. Avoid bouncing as this can cause muscles tearing.
Lower Back Pain Exercises with a Medicine Ball
Procedure 1:
Contract you abdominal muscles while lying on your back, knees bent and calves resting on ball. Now slowly raise your arm over head and lower arm, alternating the right and left arms. While you do this, straighten one knee and relax also alternating right and left sides. You should straighten one knee while raising the opposite arm over head.
Procedure 2:
Sit on ball with back straight and knees bent 90 degrees. Then slowly raise arm over head, alternating the right and left. While doing this, also raise and lower heel, also alternating right and left. Lift the opposite limb alternately. Perform these exercises for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Do you notice the semblance of this lower back pain exercise? Yes, it resembles swimming. Swimming is by far the best exercise; notice how swimmers rarely have back muscle problems?
Some specific exercises can help your back. Others aim to gently stretch your back muscles. While some exercises are specifically designed as lower back pain exercises, living an active lifestyle (lots of exercise, good diet and plenty of rest) is the best way to overcome lower back pain. Swimming and walking are good overall exercises to improve your fitness.
A word of caution: Do not do these exercises if you are not currently participating in an exercise program. Also, please check with your physician before you start any exercise program .
Steven Resell is a successful Webmaster and Publisher of www.BackPaindotCom.com He provides more information on lower back pain, and Lower Back Pain Exercises, as well as more details on Upper Back Pain, Back Pain Relief and the causes of Back Pain on his website.
Price: $9.98
I'm just guessing, but heres what your experience with back pain has probably been like:
You probably went to your family doctor first, or a chiropractor. Your visit likely only lasted 15 minutes or so they poked around and confirmed that you do have back pain and gave you a prescription for the pain. Now before we go any further, let me ask you this: how in the heck is a prescription drug going to fix a physical problem like back pain?
Doctor visits, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, new mattress, rub on creams, and the list goes on
Im sure youve tried several or maybe even many on that list yet youre back still hurts. Why arent any of the experts helping or treatments working?
The answer is simple
Its all in the approach most, if not all, of the treatments people receive for back pain are flawed from the start. Im not going to cover each of them in detail in this article, however, if you would like to learn more about traditional treatments for back pain and why they dont work, I suggest you read my article on the subject here: http://www.losethebackpain.com/backpaintreatments.html
You and I already know that those treatments just dont work, so I want to give you some information that you can use to take control of your own health and well being and find the treatment that will finally get rid of your back pain once and for all.
It has been my experience that trying to convince somebody of something they are unfamiliar with is just about impossible. so instead of me telling you what to do, I want to give you the tools for you to do it yourself.
Step one: First, you must understand that pain is your bodys way of telling you something is wrong dont ignore it! And in order to fix it or get rid of it, you must first know whats causing it.
Step two: Be open-minded in order to find a solution youll need to be willing to learn and please dont be afraid to look for and/or ask for help.
There are thousands of sources of information in the world on upper back pain, lower back pain and back pain in general, but if you dont know how to sort through all that information it will be useless to you.
Step three: Take action now youre going to do it, and with my help! You do not have to live with low back pain, upper back pain, sciatic pain, or any back pain for that matter and you can feel great again.
You have two options:
1. Leave it up to your doctor or chiropractor and hope it gets taken care of
2. You can take control of your back care yourself and ensure it gets taken care of
I dont know about you, but its a no brainer for me!
But, I know you may be feeling like theres NO solution and maybe youve even resigned yourself to the fact that youll have back pain for the rest of your life I hope thats not the case because you do have the power and ability to eliminate it.
If you choose option one, leaving your back health in the hands of someone other than yourself, at least educate yourself enough to know what questions you need to be asking.
The next time you go to the doctor or chiropractor, bring a pen and paper along with the list of questions below:
What is the cause of the pain? (Not the symptom, but the actual cause)
Is it muscular or structural? (involving the bones of the spine)
If its muscular have the doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc name exactly which muscles and other muscles that may be involved.
Do I need an X-ray, CT-scan or MRI?
Did I have a predisposition for the injury based on my life style and daily postures?
Do I have muscle imbalances that created this condition over time?
Will I have muscle imbalances still after your treatment?
Will it heel 100%?
Are there specific exercises or stretches to do for my condition?
Which muscles should I stretch and which muscles should I strengthen?
Will I do more harm than good if I dont do the right activities?
Will the physical therapist you are sending me to have the time to spend one on one with me to effectively work with me?
Will Ultra Sound and Electrical Stimulation correct my muscle imbalances?
I could go on and on with questions like these that you should ask your doctor, but we both know that you wont because you dont want to piss off the doctor and then worry that youll get bad care next time.
So did I just waist my time and yours by listing them out. Heck no, these are great questions to use when trying to find a treatment approach that will work for you.
We already know what doesnt work and why, lets talk now about what does work. In order for any back care program or approach to be successful, it must include the following criteria:
Identify the root cause of the problem
Treat both the symptom and the cause
Focus on the body as a whole and not zoom in on only the problem area
Physical problems can only be treated and corrected with a physical approach
Address muscle imbalances with targeted strength, flexibility, and muscle work
Be easy to understand, implement, and progress
Help you maintain a healthy back and prevent future occurrences
So how can you find a back care program that not only meets all these criteria, but is proven to work far better than traditional treatments?
Just do a little research you can use the internet to find all sorts of information and resources on back pain, but remember, it must meet the criteria we outlined above our its guaranteed to fail!
Dont give up, its out there, if you take the time to look youll find it maybe right under your nose!
About The Author
Article courtesy of Jesse Cannone and Steve Hefferon. Find out exactly whats causing your back pain and how to eliminate it with the Lose the Back Pain Video. Be sure to also take advantage of all the free resources and information on back pain at their website: http://www.losethebackpain.com
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If you feel that back pain is completely overwhelming your life, you are not alone. So many people live with debilitating, even crippling back pain everyday seemingly with no end in sight.
It is a daily ritual for them to reach into the medicine cabinet and pop a pill of their favorite over-the-counter pain reliever or doctor prescribed medication.
Despite the publicized health risks for taking these drugs on a continuous basis, back pain sufferers continue to swallow pills even if the relief only lasts temporarily and is miniscule at best. A cycle of doctor visits, pick-ups at the local pharmacy and popping pills becomes a way of life.
But does it have to be this way? Are we truly limited to just a bottle of medication with potential side effects and the one-sided advice from a doctor?
First, you must understand that everyone for the most part has access to a huge arsenal of tools for combating, eliminating and managing back pain. But not everyone has the same degree and cause of back pain.
It is so important to find and effectively use the right set of tools for your own particular situation.
For example, too much rest or relaxation (a tool for getting rid of back pain) has the potential to be detrimental to your health if weak and underdeveloped muscles are the underlying cause of your back pain.
On the other hand, if you suffer a herniated disk from playing a sport, rest and relaxation may play a larger role in a quick recovery.
So essentially, effectively treating your back pain first depends on identifying the primary cause(s) or origin(s) of your back pain.
The better you are at identifying the cause of back pain for your own particular situation, the more specific and exact your arsenal of tools will become to effectively eliminate your back pain for good.
So after all that, you must identify the cause(s) of your back pain. Let's look at some common causes of back pain.
Common Causes Of Back Pain
-Poor Posture
-Injury (Sports, Car Accident, Fall, etc.)
-Poor Genetics Or Congenital Disorder (Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disk, etc.)
-Using Improper Lifting Techniques
-Frail Bone Structure/Osteoporosis/Osteoarthritis
-Muscle Weakness/Imbalances
-Lack Of Exercise/Sedentary Lifestyle
-Poor Nutrition
-Poor Sleep
-Performing A Repetitive Motion That Puts Strain On Your Back
Take a good long look at the list above. Just about everyone who suffers with back pain can relate to one or several if not all of these common causes of back pain. I, personally, can relate to every single one.
And it's ok to have several causes or identifiers of your back pain. The more you can discover, the more weapons you will have to effectively combat and eliminate your back pain for good.
Back pain is similar to a weed. You can't just mow over the top of it and hope you never see it again. You have to find the root of the weed or the root of the problem in order to effectively treat it.
How do you do this?
Well, you need to examine your own lifestyle. I would like you to ask yourself these questions to help determine your cause(s) of back pain:
Questions To Determine Cause Of Back Pain/Circle All 'Yes' Answers
1. Do I suffer from a congenital condition or was I born with a spinal condition?
2. Do I not pay attention to my posture either sitting or standing?
3. Do I not practice good posture either sitting or standing?
4. Have I suffered from a recent car accident or fall and subsequently experienced back pain not long after?
5. Do I do a lot of heavy lifting or bending over in my job or at home?
6. Do I perform an unnatural repetitive motion at work or at home?
7. Do I not practice safe lifting techniques?
8. Am I 20 pounds or more overweight?
9. Do I not eat enough fruits and vegetables?
10. Do I not drink enough water? 8-12 glasses per day?
11. Do I eat too many sweets and foods containing sugar?
12. Have I been diagnosed with osteoporosis or arthritis?
13. Do I lead a sedentary lifestyle? Am I a couch potato?
14. Am I under a lot of stress? Do I suffer with anxiety?
15. Do I have trouble sleeping?
Of course, these are just a handful of questions you could ask yourself to discover the root cause(s) of your back pain. Please circle the questions that have a 'Yes' next to them if you have not already.
Take a good look at the questions you circled. This method is not foolproof but it is a great way to see all the potential causes or root origins of your back pain. You should see the things you need to improve in order to help you live free of back pain.
Once you know or at least have some idea of the cause(s) of your back pain, then you can delve deeper into the plethora of ways to combat and eliminate it once and for all.
Mike Saros is a former back pain sufferer and author of The No More Back Pain newsletter found at www.BackReliefElite.com . He will instruct you how to end your own lower back pain at www.SecretsToAPainFreeBack.com/Secrets_Discount.htm
Price: $35.99
The lower part of the back holds the weight of much of the body. Small problems can cause immense pain when a person is standing or otherwise putting pressure on the lower back. These persons most at risk for lower back pain are those that have jobs that entail heavy physical labor and/or sitting for long periods of time. People whose jobs include long drives are at risk of experiencing back pain. People who experience heavy stress loads are also at risk of experiencing some degree of lower back pain.
The symptoms of lower back pain can include a throbbing ache, a stabbing feeling or a shooting pain as well as limited flexibility including the inability to straiten up or stand upright completely. Lower back pain is classified as chronic if it constantly persists for more than three months.
Lower back pain is generally easy to treat and can be eased with a variety of non surgical procedures. Many non prescription pain medicines are used to manage pain and several anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce the inflammation that occurs in the muscles of the lower back. MedGen's PAINenz is a roll-on, topical analgesic that uses the pain relief of capsaicin to effectively reduce the pain in the on lower back. Prescription medicines are not usually applied unless the condition has been termed acute or chronic.
There are a number of exercises that can be used to treat lower back pain. These include warm baths and soaks, hot and cold compresses, bed rest in moderation and physical activity. Only in the most severe instances is surgery suggested. Most sufferers of lower back pain recover without any lasting effects.
Most lower back pain can be prevented. Using caution and correct form when lifting heavy objects is a good way to prevent lower back pain. Making a conscious effort to maintain a good posture has a lasting effect on back mobility and the probability of lower back pain.
On rare occasions, lower back pain can be a symptom of larger problem. In some instances lower back pain is a symptom of kidney problems or other acute illnesses.
If symptoms persist for more than six months or grow increasingly more painful consult a heath care professional.
Kelly Sons, an expert on the topic of pain relief, offers intelligent advice and useful tips for relieving pain naturally and is dedicated to solving pain related problems. Kelly currently writes articles for Medgen where you can find more great information and products for pain relief [http://www.pain-enz.com/].
Back pain is a terrible problem that has a potential to bring your entire schedule to a grinding halt leaving you almost crippled. You may find it extremely difficult to perform simplest of the tasks with this pain in the back. With pain on, you have just one thing in your mind and that is how to get rid of this excruciating pain. Most us would just like to be relieved of it, and the shortest route to this kind of relief is through medication.
Painkillers are not something particularly healthy but when the pain literally breaks your back, it's the only way out. Besides, it can provide a temporary relief from the pain and does not dispense with the cause of it. Pain in the back, after all, is a signal that something has gone wrong with the body. Therefore, alleviation of pain is not the remedy.
If you are among those who suffer from back pain, it is better that you thought beyond the painkillers and the temporary relief they provide. No amount of medicine, however effective, can be more effective than exercise because it is the most natural solution to back pain.
Most of the time, back pain is caused due to weak back muscles. Now, your muscles could be weak due to poor recovery from a back injury, but in most of the cases it is our modern, sedentary lifestyles that cause back pain.
All those hours that you spend hunched over a desk might bring a quick promotion but if you are not among those who take some time out for physical exercise, it may also bring back pain in tow.
So, if you are suffering from back pain, the first step towards betterment would be making up your mind to exercise regularly.
However, do not go exercising unattended. It is important that your exercise is supervised by a trained expert. Now, it could be your regular doctor or a chiropractor. You may also approach a medical professional to tailor your back pain exercise regimen so as to suit your particular condition.
The back pain exercise do not just comprise of the exercises for your back alone but also your front because a strong back means a back well supported by code abdominal muscles. When these muscles are strengthened they provide adequate support to your back and prevent back pain and back injury. You may also supplement your exercise program with stretching exercises and yoga. This would keep your muscles flexible enough to prevent injury to the back.
A little medical attention and regular physical exercise is very much capable of gifting you a life free of back pain.
To get more information visit causes of back pain, back pain treatment & [http://www.backpaindetails.com/pain/magazine/edition/Backpain-Guide.htm]
Price: $13.94
Acute back pain may begin suddenly and usually lasts around 3 months. Chronic back pain sometimes lasts throughout life.
The most common back pain is low back pain (LBP). It is is often described as sudden, sharp, persistent, or dull pain felt below the waist. LBP is very common and affects the majority of people at some point during their life. Up to 70%--85% of all people have back pain at some time in their lives. LBP is the most common cause of a limitation of activity in people younger than 45 years of age. It is the second most frequent reason for visits to a physician, and the third most common indication for surgery. It is the fifth-ranking cause of hospital admissions and is one of the leading causes of disability.
Low back pain is most commonly caused by muscle strain associated with heavy physical work, lifting or forceful movement, bending or twisting, awkward positions, or standing in one position too long. Any of these movements can exacerbate a prior or existing back disorder. Other conditions that can cause low back pain include spinal stenosis, arthritis (osteoarthritis), spinal infection (osteomyelitis), spinal tumors (benign and malignant), spondylolisthesis, and vertebral fractures (e.g. burst fracture).
Low back pain is either acute or chronic. Acute LBP may begin suddenly with intense pain usually lasting fewer than three months. Chronic pain is persistent long-term pain, sometimes lasting throughout life. Even chronic pain may present episodes of acute pain. Other symptoms include localized pain in a specific area of the low back, general aching, and/or pain that radiates into the low back, general aching, and/or pain that radiates into the low back, buttocks and leg(s). Sometimes pain is accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness. Neurological symptoms requiring immediate medical attention include bowel or bladder dysfunction, groin or leg weakness or numbness, severe symptoms that do not subside after a few days, or pain prohibiting everyday activities.
Pain felt in the low back is not always indicative of a spinal problem. A thorough physical and neurological assessment may reveal the cause of the low back pain. The physical examination begins with the patient's current condition and medical history. Examination of a patient with low back pain involves examining the patient's range of spinal motion while standing straight, bending forward, and to the side. Asymmetry, posture, and leg length is noted. Methodical palpation of the spine can reveal muscle spasm, possible bony displacement, and tender points. Abdominal palpation is performed to determine if the cause of low back pain is possibly organ related (e.g. pancreas). The neurological assessment evaluates weakness, absence of reflexes, tingling, burning, pain, diminished function, and other signs that may indicate nerve involvement.
If infection, malignancy, fracture, or other risk factors are suspected, routine lab tests may be ordered. These tests may include complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR), and urinalysis. In some cases electrodiagnostic studies such as electromyography (EMG) or nerve condition velocity (NCV) are performed to confirm a diagnosis or localize the site of nerve injury. Plain radiographs (x-rays), CT Scan, and/or MRI studies are performed when fracture or neurological dysfunction is suspected. A MRI represents the gold standard in imaging today. A MRI renders high-resolution images of spinal tissues such as the spinal cord and intervertebral discs. X-rays are still the imaging methods of choice to study the bony elements in the low back. The results of the physical and neurological examinations combines with test results are carefully evaluated to confirm a diagnosis.
Most patients with low back pain are treated without surgery. A conventional treatment plan may include bed rest for a day or two combines with medication to reduce inflammation and pain. Medications recommended by the physician are based on the patient's medical condition, age, other drugs the patient currently takes, and safety. The first choice for pain relief is often nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs should be taken with food to prevent stomach upset and stomach bleeding. Muscle relaxants may provide relief from muscle spasm but are actually benign sedatives, which often cause drowsiness. Narcotic pain relievers are prescribed for use during the acute phase and often for chronic pain management in appropriate patients.
Other modalities to treat low back pain might include physical therapy (PT), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) trial, ultrasound therapy, acupuncture and massage therapy. A managed PT program can help build muscle strength and flexibility, improve mobility, coordination, stability and balance, and promote relaxation. Patients who participate in a structured physical therapy program often progress to wellness more rapidly than those who do not. This includes low back maintenance through a home exercise program developed for the patient by the physical therapist.
Although the number of spinal surgeries done every year is on the rise, it is rarely required to treat low back pain. Surgery may be considered if the patient is experiencing bowel or bladder dysfunction, increased nerve impairment, progressive weakness, incapacitating pain, or spinal instability. The surgical procedure depends on the diagnosis or the cause of low back pain. To prevent low back pain, first and foremost, follow the treatment plan outlined by the physician. To enhance recovery from an episode of low back pain, or to help prevent future exacerbation, try to maintain good posture, be consistent in a home exercise program, and eat sensibly to maintain proper body weight.
Hemant Yagnick, M.D., is an Interventional Pain Specialist and Medical Director of the Walton Pain Center in Augusta, GA. Dr. Yagnick believes that chronic pain is a complex medical condition influenced by biological, physical, behavioral, environmental and social forces. His new two-week comprehensive inpatient program helps patients receive relief from pain while becoming trained in coping techniques, speeds up their return to work and improves their quality of life. Dr. Yagnick earned his medical degree from JN Medical College and Hospital. He completed his residency in anesthesiology and an Interventional Pain Fellowship at Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. For more information visit http://www.wrh.org
World Class Back Pain relief secrets that only a handful of lucky people even knew existed a short time ago...including the "super-advanced" skill, know-how and techniques.
Back pain massages are becoming one of the best ways so as to relieve a person from experiencing back pain. Many people living in the United States are now trying this alternative to relieve or reduce back pain. After all, most of them have already tried the more commonly known solutions to back pain. These include chiropractors, medication, and even physical therapy.
Back pain massages seem to be working for most people who vouch for their effectiveness. Instead of employing expensive treatments and medications, people are now flocking towards massage therapists. Results of studies show that even healthcare providers are recognizing massage as an alternative solution to back problems.
What do back pain massages do? Back pain massages lessen lower back pain as well as depression and anxiety. Medical journals and studies show that this alternative treatment for back pain is indeed working well. Back pain massages actually assist in improving blood circulation. They also help sore muscles of arms, legs and back return to normal. Aside from these, back pain massages also provide relaxation to the body. After a good back massage, you will surely want to lie down and rest. Most of the time, you will even sleep soundly.
This kind of therapy also increases the endorphin level of the body. Endorphins are the body's chemicals that give you a good and light feeling. These chemicals are most effective in helping you manage pain. If you have a high endorphin level, you are most likely able to feel less pain.
If you are experiencing back pain and you would like to try back massages, ask first your health care provider or your physician about it. That way, you can be sure that there would be no complications once you get a massage.
Back Pain provides detailed information on Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Upper Back Pain and more. Back Pain is affiliated with Congenital Scoliosis.
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Science has demonstrated that there is an incredibly powerful link between the mind and the body. In many instances, the underlying cause of neck pain, back pain and sciatica, also referred to as the back pain complex, may be psychological. Many times, when an individual is in pain and told that it may be psychological or psychosomatic, the patient immediately becomes defensive, often stating, "It is not in my mind, the pain is real!" The fact is, it is indeed very real, regardless of whether the pain is labeled as psychosomatic or not. When dealing with treatment-resistant, chronic pain the mind/body link must be explored, so it can be ruled out. In this article, we will discuss psychological pain, psychosomatic pain, and chronic psychological back pain. While discussed in a previous article, we will also address, once again but briefly, the link between chronic back pain and depression. Chronic pain, in any form, can be the most insidious, debilitating, and disabling of any medical complaint. In order to fully treat the condition, underlying causality must be explored and diagnosed thoroughly. It is true that most cases of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica are or have their basis in an actual pathology or other physiological condition. However, psychological back pain is quite common and in fact is one of the primary causes of treatment-resistant chronic pain.
Unfortunately, when an illness is labeled psychosomatic there is often an immediate stigma or negative perception associated with it. Very often, when an individual suffering from neck pain, back pain and/or sciatica hears the term psychosomatic, they immediately respond defensively. When a condition is labeled as psychosomatic the connotation attached is that the condition is "all in the mind" or somehow "imaginary." There is even a mental illness stigma attached, with the patient protesting, "I am not crazy, this pain is real!" Even people close, at times members of the individual's own family, will say unkind things like, "I knew he was faking it" or "I knew she was just trying to get attention, I felt sorry for her!" For these reasons and others, the resistance to a psychosomatic diagnosis is considerable, often socially and culturally based.
As discussed in a previous article, there is a powerful link between stress and psychosomatic illness, in this case neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica; or treatment-resistant chronic back pain. Additionally, the link between depression and psychosomatic illness, particularly as we age, is often quite powerful. Individuals suffering from psychosomatic illness may experience incredible pain or other physical manifestations or symptoms, with no physical diagnosis. Paradoxically, there are a number of physical conditions, such as brain injuries and vitamin deficiencies just to name two, which may exhibit profound psychological symptoms. However, it is often the case that many individuals exhibiting treatment-resistant chronic pain, with no underlying medical diagnosis, may have a psychological or psychosomatic condition.
Contrary to commonly held beliefs, pain that is the result of a psychosomatic condition, of an emotional or psychological process, is actually quite real. Psychosomatic pain, in this case treatment-resistant chronic back pain, is not imaginary, it is not "in our heads," it is not the result of a delusional or a sick mind, and it is not the consequence of mental illness. The fact is that anyone suffering from tension headaches, ulcers, colitis, tension backaches, and a myriad of other stress-related illnesses has a psychosomatic condition. Clearly, all of these individuals are not "crazy." I suppose the best way for an individual to understand just how real psychosomatic pain can be is to have them think back to their last tension headache and ask a single, quite simple question: "Was the pain real?"
Psychological back pain is simply another name for psychosomatic back pain and is sometimes referred to as stress-induced back pain. Once again, pain associated with this condition is indeed very real. While the pain may ultimately be linked to the mind/body link, the physical expression of pain, whether the pain is neck pain, back pain or sciatica, may be debilitating and disabling. Consequently, dealing with psychosomatic, treatment-resistance chronic pain is often difficult, if not close to impossible, without effectively dealing with the underlying condition. As a noted evolutionary scientist once pointed out, psychosomatic pain may be considered an evolutionary anomaly but it is completely human and utterly normal. As our system, and that includes our mind, becomes overloaded, it seeks to alleviate or eliminate the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Unfortunately for the patient, it does this by shifting focus away from the actual cause, the real danger, expressing it in a very uncomfortable, often intense fashion; and, in this case through chronic treatment-resistant back pain.
Psychosomatic pain is the most frequently diagnosed and least understood form of both acute and chronic back pain. Significantly, most treatment-resistant chronic back pain sufferers, those with unresolved back pain, meaning that there is no clear diagnosis, by definition suffer from an underlying and misdiagnosed psychological ailment or condition. While medical schools are beginning to address this very significant medical issue, psychosomatic illness has long been relegated to the back burner of medical education. Consequently, medical practitioners are simply not prepared for or able to understand, much less treat, this condition. As a result, many individuals are misdiagnosed with this "scapegoat condition," leaving individuals with very real physiological, structural, and medical conditions undiagnosed.
Unfortunately, while solutions are available, they are still relatively unknown. As the medical community begins to educate itself, so they can be better prepared to deal with this condition, we are beginning to see the first steps towards a holistic approach to this problem. Psychosomatic medicine has been talked about for centuries, even Sigmund Freud was fascinated by it in his time, yet it is only in the last few years that we see a real movement to deal with this ongoing epidemic. Treatment-resistance chronic pain sufferers, particularly those individuals with an extended history of unresolved and undiagnosed pain, are most likely to exhibit a myriad of medical complaints to include ulcers, colitis, and depression, just to name a few. The combination of unresolved neck pain, back pain and/or sciatica and depression leads to profound consequences for the individual, the family, the community, and even the state. The impact of this poorly understood and often misdiagnosed condition or set of conditions ripples throughout the system with consequences far beyond those of a medical nature.
Ultimately, and until such time as the underlying condition has been diagnosed, treated, and eliminated, symptoms must be recognized and alleviated. For this reason, it is advisable for the individual to begin a wide-ranging, individualized, and medically supervised program to deal with both symptoms expressed and causality yet undetermined. Exercise, in and of itself, will have a remarkable and immediate impact on most individuals. Not only will an exercise program, properly administered and supervised, do wonders to alleviate stress, it will also serve to improve self-esteem and self-confidence. With exercise, particularly until the musculature adapts and adjusts to the new routine, certain other measures will need to be taken. The additional treatment strategies to be initiated, along with the exercise program, should include a stretching program, 2 to 3 times a day (see: "Simple and Easy Program of Exercise for Sciatica Relief... Part I & Part II"). Self-education, both individually and in a group setting, will also enhance understanding, self-knowledge, and self-esteem. Most importantly, either individual or group therapy should be initiated in order to comes to grips with the underlying issues contributing to the unresolved and/or misdiagnosed psychosomatic pain condition. The concert of bad back strategies will do wonders to alleviate symptoms, ultimately leading to a resolution when used along side of a solid therapy program to understand underlying stressors which resulted in the back pain complex of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica.
For further information and an intelligent program of treatment for neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, what I refer to as the "back pain complex" try the program below:
For additional resources dealing with neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, including additional treatment plans and a community for support; an awesome resource for New Balance running shoes, great for heel cushioning and a must for anyone suffering from neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica; ice-compression braces, crucial for inflammation and swelling; orthotics for the times when the New Balance can't be worn; and, natural antinflammatories for the back pain complex:
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John P. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Wagan Ortho Wedge Cushion is an orthopedically designed wedge shape to better spine alignment. The cutout section relieves painful pressure on the tailbone. It is made of durable polyurethane foam with a removable, machine washable velour cover. Unlike ordinary cushions, it takes the pressure off vulnerable areas of the back, seat and legs by suspending the tailbone in an orthopedic cut-out, while tipping the pelvis forward. While positioning the spine in a natural lumbar curve, the wedge also protects lower spinal discs from stressful compression, alleviating lower back pain.
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Cause of Lower Back Pain can arise out of complex origins and symptoms including identified muscle trauma, or a hitherto unknown non-traumatic event. Moreover Lower back pain can originate in regions other than the back and eventually find its way to the muscles or other structure in the lower back. The origins of lower back pain are many and varied, including congenital disorders, inflammatory disease, and circulatory disorders among others.
Physicians are hard pressed to pin down the accurate cause of a patient suffering from lower back pain owing to the complex composition of the human spinal. The spinal chord is a three-dimensional puzzle made up of bone, discs, muscles, ligaments and tendons and a myriad of other tissues that can easily mask the precise Cause of Lower Back Pain. Moreover, psychological causes like anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, depression and various other psychological states make it even more difficult to pinpoint and treat lower back pain. These can cause back pain or can also be the associated symptoms of lower back pain existing concurrently with pain.
The cause of lower back pain is of various types. The emotional components stated above also complicated the diagnosis of the malady and sometimes lead to a wrong diagnosis resulting in needless surgery. Back pain is grouped into two categories: Acute and Chronic. A back pain that is sudden in origin is called Acute and can be caused by internal organ disease, cancer, arthritis, fractures, trauma, and infections around the spine. Chronic back pain is more constant and patients might have to endure it for months before finding any relief in their lower back.
Some of the common disorders that are cause of lower back pain, result in lower back pain can be listed as under:
Mechanical Disorders: In this case a specific part of the spine experiences pain owing to damaged to the ligament or a joint in the spine.
Developmental Disorders: An irregularity in the formation and growth of the skeleton cause lower back pain resulting in a conservative treatment like surgery, which is necessary to prevent long-term disability.
Inflammatory and Infectious Disorders: These are not common cause of lower back pain, but nevertheless are very important because not only they are difficult to diagnose by also result in serious consequences if not diagnoses early.
Another rare occurrence is the cancerous tumor in the spine or spinal chord, which result in lower back pain. The most common symptom of a spinal tumor is pain. And, last but not the least, an injury to the spine results in a trauma like condition which in turn gives rise to pain in the back. It is very important to note these disorders as major cause of lower back pain in the final scheme of things that will help you to understand this disorder better.
Paul Osborne is the executive editor of http://backpain-resources-online.com & http://lowerbackpainrelief.org Both sites offer a host of information, tips and advice for lower back pain relief.
Every day people ask me about Acupuncture for relief of their lower back pain and back injury. For many people, the thought (let alone the action) of an acupuncture needle into your body would only increase pain. However, acupuncture is a very safe and effective method of pain relief, for acute and chronic conditions. I have found it particularly advantageous in the treatment and management of back aches, back spasms and back pain after a lower back injury.
Firstly, what is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is just one part of traditional Chinese Medicine. Whilst acupuncture is thought of in the Western World as simply a needling process, acupuncture has many forms in traditional Chinese Medicine. Yin and Yang breathing techniques and herbal medicines are also parts of the process of Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture has been around for 4500 - 5000 years now, and the Chinese were using Acupuncture for many things - not just pain relief - before steel was discovered. This means two main things for us - they were using 'Acupuncture' techniques for pain relief before the needle was invented (Thin bamboo shoots were used), and acupuncture was being used before scalpels were invented. This means that the Chinese were using Acupuncture and needling techniques on each other successfully before they knew what was underneath the 'needle' they were placing in the body.
Traditional Acupuncture is based upon the belief of 'Meridian Points' in our body. Acupuncturists believed that these meridian points were energy channels that related to different vessels in our body - the Liver, Large Intestine, Heart etc. These energy channels run all through our body. The traditional belief in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for pain relief, is that by tapping into these energy channels through the use of a 'needle', anything from acute to chronic pain, back aches, buttock pain and back spasms caused by these areas can be relieved. Because of this, the needle is often not placed anywhere near the actual point of pain.
In the case of lower back pain and back injury, traditional acupuncture has been shown to be effective in providing pain relief for both acute and chronic pain, back aches and back spasms. Acupuncture for lower back pain can assist in decreasing back spasm and chronic pain, along with assisting in decreasing the long term changes in the brain's pain processing.
Over recent years, Acupuncture has become more accepted in Western culture for its use in pain relief for anything from headaches to back pain to pregnancy. With greater research into the actual process of needling and how it works, a westernised form of Acupuncture known as Dry Needling has become more widely used and accepted. A westernised form of Acupuncture, Dry Needling works to relieve muscle spasm, giving almost instantaneous relief from back aches, back spasms and buttock pains caused by muscle spasm after back injury.
Muscle Spasm: Following back injury, the muscles of the back will spasm to protect the injury site, causing many people to suffer from back ache and back spasms. Many of the muscles around the pelvis will spasm after a back injury, leading to buttock pain particularly, along with back aches and lower back pain that will not show up on an x-ray or MRI.
When muscle spasm increases, it can lead to trigger points developing in the muscles. These trigger points are the main causes of back pain, buttock pain and back spasm, along with a major cause of back aches. The technique of dry needling is effective in ridding the body of these trigger points and leading to pain relief from lower back pain, back aches and back spasms.
After a back injury, a major cause of back pain is often the muscle spasm and trigger points, as the underlying problem can often heal itself. This is why for many people, their MRI or x-ray will show nothing, and their Doctor will not believe the cause of their back pain.
Dry Needling is used to safely and effectively break up these trigger points through rapid and fast needling of the area. Unlike Acupuncture, Dry Needling is only done for 5 - 10 seconds, where as Acupuncture Needles are often left in for 15 - 20 minutes. I have found this technique very effective in removing back aches, lower back pain, back spasms, buttock pains and spine pain. By removing the trigger point as the major cause for back pain after back injury, pain relief can be felt almost immediately.
For more information on lower back pain sign up for our email course available at http://www.betterhealtheducation.com
Andrew Logan developed Better Health Education in order to provide easy to use and practical health advice for people all around the world. He has a particular interest in helping to decrease the suffering of chroninc lower back pain.