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2011年2月25日 星期五

Low back pain may be genetic

SALT LAKE CITY, Feb 3, UPI)--the lumbar pain or lumbar disc disease, degeneration or spine, discs can be caused by inherited herniation, U.s. researchers suggest.

Study author Dr. Alpesh Patel, a., University of Utah medical school, Assistant Professor-orthopedic surgery, and colleagues to use the Utah population database health and public information repository of more than 2 million residents of Utah data from a series of data.

Researchers examined the lumbar disc disease, people with disabilities 1,264-lumbar disk herniation lumbar disc degeneration, or defined by the Ministry of health and family records.

"Previous studies, including twin siblings studies and subsequent genetic marker studies have suggested that the genetic predisposition to the development of the burden of the lumbar disc disease, but few patients," Patel says the statement. "The results of this study will provide evidence of the population of more than 2 million people, probably not part of the genetic basis of the development of this disease."

A study published in the Bone and joint surgery journal finds the disease patients were more likely to have a disc lumbar than other members of the family and the lumbar disc disease is a risk of disease, the disc was significantly elevated near, as well as far away from the relatives.

Two findings on the basis of genetic combinations strongly supports the burden of the lumbar disc disease, Patel says.

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