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2011年5月10日 星期二

Lower Back Pain - Do You Know These 3 Essential Answers?

Lower Back Pain affects over 80% of adults at some stage. In fact - over 50% of you reading this are in pain right now. Staggering facts that are there to learn from, rather than scare you.

Are you one of the many with lower back pain? Did you wake up with it, or did it arrive after doing a so-called 'normal daily activity'? More importantly how do you make it disappear and not come back?

There are 3 things you probably know little about, yet they are things you should know. Especially if you want to rid your self of lower back pain once and for all.

So what are they...

Fact #1 - research has shown that over 90% of lower back pain, when examined did not come from trauma. The trauma that occurs from lifting household objects, boxes at work, doing your garden, lifting your children... is not sufficient to create lower back pain.

The minor falls and injuries do not equate to the severity of pain that people say has occurred. That the majority of lower back pain sufferers can not put the incident down to anything they have done recently.

Alarming you may be saying. But in reality this is true. Most lower back pain is an accumulation of minor traumas and stresses and strains. These build up to a point where a minor activity tips you over the edge and back pain occurs.

Trying to work out what exactly caused your lower back pain is therefore almost impossible. It is not one thing!

It is an accumulation of hundreds and thousands of small incidents that build up to cause your lower back pain.

This leads you to fact 2...

Fact #2 - the majority of lower back pain heals faster if a combined approach is used. This is not just combining muscle stretches with exercise. It is combining muscle and joint techniques along with ways to release stress of a general and emotional nature. After all the general and emotional factors are just as big causes as the physical stresses.

To remove lower back pain, symptomatically you need to use techniques to release muscle tension, others to strengthen weaker muscles and then also methods to get your joints moving freely. This approach will correct lower back pain quickly.

To prevent or maintain a pain free back, then you need to also use techniques to release stress in your day to day life. Otherwise back pain has been shown to return in over 95% of people.


Fact #3 - the quickest and best way to remove lower back pain is to use self help techniques first. If you learn to help your self, then you are able to target the areas quickly. Rather than waiting to see a practitioner. Sure these statistics come with some clarification... If you have had a major fall, if pain is radiating away from the spine and causing bladder or bowel problems, then seek professional help immediately.

In the majority of lower back pain cases, self help techniques will ease your pain and prevent your lower back pain from becoming chronic. Most adults wait for days or weeks to see a practitioner. They wait because they believe the pain will ease and stop the need to seek help.

Using self help techniques increases this rate astronomically! Learning to apply muscle stretches, muscle strengthening techniques and joint mobility methods can save you time, money and pain.

It is easy to learn to remove your lower back pan and stop it returning... self help is the key!

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain issues.

For expert advice, tips and techniques to eliminate back pain visit

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