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2011年3月4日 星期五

Cauda equina syndrome

Cauda equina syndrome is a serious neurological condition that meets the sufferer of severe loss of Nerve function, the elements of the spinal Canal below the lower Cone, the spinal cord. Cone channel contains the mass below nerves called the Cauda equina, which is the Latin "Horse tail", this is a good description of what your body nerves. Cauda equina branches off to the lower end of the spinal cord and Nerve root contains from L1-5 and S1-5. Damage, interfere with the function or compressing the Cauda equina may disable the nerves, although most is the umbilical region of Central drive.

Causes of the cauda equina syndrome

Although the Cauda equina is protected by the backbone is still vulnerable to damage and injuries. There are two groups of causes.

Inherited from birth:
Cauda equina tumors

cauda equina syndrome and purchased:
Injury and fatal
Procedures medical
Disc Herniation-or prolapsed disc "
Cauda equina tumour
Vescular issues with CE
Infections such as Cytomegalorvirus
Cauda equina syndrome symptoms

The majority of cases are sudden, but some progress slowly from the pain none or little.

Low Back pain

Ko??ca pelvic organs, namely:
BL Add er,
Sexual organs
Other symptoms include:
Hiking difficulty
Strong inexplicable pain

Treatment of the cauda equina syndrome

S patient should immediately referred to the designations of the consultation. Required for most of the patient s to prevent permanent damage is urgent surgical spinal decompression.

Bring down your spine, if the cauda equina syndrome is caused by injury. Surgery required to remove the blood, bone fragments, cancer, herniated disc, or abnormal bone growth.

Failure of debulking is required for space occupying lesion, such as: cancer, Abscess.

If you do not surgery can be carried out, radiotherapy may release cord compression caused by tumors.

Other treatment may be useful in some patient s, depending on the underlying cause of the cauda equina syndrome:
Anti-inflammatory, may be effective in patient s on grounds of inflammation, e.g. ankylosing spondylitis for the spinal column.
Causes of infection should be treated with appropriate antibiotics.
S of the patient with spinal tumours should be evaluated in therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Postoperative care Add includes ressing lifestyle issues such obesity, and also physiotherapy equipment seizure al and therapy, depending on the remaining lower ko??ca limbs.

The number of days lost from work due to aching back in the UK alone is huge. There are many causes of back pain, for example sciatica. The exact the diagnosis and treatment are medical the cornerstone. It is generally accepted that a major factor in successful treatment and recovery team, the tail of the horse is surgery for to expand the nerves to be completed within 48 hours from the onset of symptoms. In this the diagnosis of to be fast and accurate.

Clear warning signs present and include

Negligence medical staff

The number of days lost from work due to aching back in the UK alone is huge. There are many causes of back pain, for example sciatica. The exact the diagnosis and treatment are medical the cornerstone. It is generally accepted that a major factor in successful treatment and recovery team, the tail of the horse is surgery for to expand the nerves to be completed within 48 hours from the onset of symptoms. In this the diagnosis of to be fast and accurate.

Clear warning signs present and include:

Bring back pain, found at the bottom
Abnormal reflexes
Loss or reduction of sensation in the Add 's le area "
Pain in the legs
Muscle weakness or wasting If the Assembly is undetected for an extended period of time
Analne and or bl Add er, ko??ca
There are many times when these warning signs are not diagnosed or not diagnosed wrongly as a different condition.
These medical errors may result in a life changing circumstances and may lead to claims for compensation.
Unfortunatley on numerous occasions health frontline providers of health care to Miss warning signs, which are for this type of damage. As professions such as GP, physiotherapist and Chiropracter are those who miss out the symptoms of fatal CES. Hospital professionals too are at CES diagnosis errors, such as a & e staff, consultant surgeon. Misdiagnosing or for the diagnosis of CES is medical concidered as or clinical negligence

CES may well leave you failed at the end of the quarantine, or wrongly diagnosed patient not diagnosed with a serious injury.

Further information on the cauda equina syndrome can be found in site:

